
List of free and personal software packages

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Software packages for blockchain applications

How to “git clone” including submodules?

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/jambtc/packages.git

Editor's note: -j8 is an optional performance optimization that became available in version 2.8, and fetches up to 8 submodules at a time in parallel

TODO after 1st clone

copy these files and edit them with appropriate content

This file is primary

  • cp crypt/encrypt.json.example crypt/encrypt.json

Secondary files

  • cp http-proxy.php.example http-proxy.php
  • cp gateways/btcpayserver-php-v1/Btcpay/Client/Adapter/proxy.php.example gateways/btcpayserver-php-v1/Btcpay/Client/Adapter/proxy.php
  • cp gateways/bitpay/Bitpay/Client/Adapter/proxy.php.example gateways/bitpay/Bitpay/Client/Adapter/proxy.php
  • cp gateways/coingate-php/lib/http-proxy.php.example gateways/coingate-php/lib/http-proxy.php
  • cp PayPal\PayPal-PHP-SDK\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib\PayPal\Core\http-proxy.php.example PayPal\PayPal-PHP-SDK\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib\PayPal\Core\http-proxy.php

How To Add and Update Git Submodules

Git submodules are most of the time used in order to incorporate another versioned project within an existing project. Submodules can be used for example in order to store third-party libraries used by your main project in order to compile successfully. In order to keep up with the changes made for those third-party libraries, you choose to include projects as submodules in your main project.

Add a Git Submodule

do this only for the first time

git submodule add <remote_url>

git commit -m "Added the ... submodule to the project."

git push

git submodule update --init --remote

PULL latest of all git submodules

be carefull. This command clear local changes

git submodule update --recursive --remote

PUSH a Git Submodule

git submodule update --remote --merge

How to remove Submodule

  • Delete the section referring to the submodule from the .gitmodules file

  • Stage the changes via git add .gitmodules

  • Delete the relevant section of the submodule from .git/config

  • Run git rm --cached <path_to_submodule> (no trailing slash)

  • Run

    • Linux: rm -rf .git/modules/<path_to_submodule>
    • Windows: rmdir /s .git\modules\<path_to_submodule>
  • Commit the changes with git commit -m "Removed ... submodule"

  • Delete the now untracked submodule files

    • Linux: rm -rf <path_to_submodule>
    • Windows: rmdir /s <path_to_submodule>
  • finally run git push

How to add new file to .gitignore

removes everything from the index git rm -r --cached .


git add .
git commit -m ".gitignore is now working"