
A workshop for installing OpenShift 4 on VMware Cloud

Primary LanguageJinja

VMC OpenShift Install Lab

This repository is intended to leverage the VMware Cloud Open Environment Service in the Red Hat Demo Platform (RHDP) for a UPI installation of OpenShift. If you haven't already, go ahead and request the service, then proceed with the steps below to spin up the labguide. An example can be viewed here.

Deploy the labguide

The labguide for this workshop is built using OpenShift Homeroom. It serves up the workshop instructions in markdown alongside a web terminal. You can run it in a container on your bastion host and access it using your browser.

  1. Set an environment variable with the GUID from your RHDP deployment:
    export GUID=<your guid>
  2. Then ssh into your bastion:
    ssh lab-user@bastion.$GUID.dynamic.opentlc.com
  3. Set an environment variable with your GUID once more, this time on the bastion host:
    export GUID=<your guid>
  4. Fire up a container with podman:
    sudo podman run -d -p 80:10080 -e GUID=$GUID quay.io/akrohg/vmc-openshift-install-dashboard
  5. Now you should be able to view your labguide in the browser:
    http://bastion.<your guid>.dynamic.opentlc.com