There's a site now to look up recipes
This is a small li'l repo I'm making to store all of the items I've found while spamming infinite craft
So far I have 836 items
go play the game
run this inside your browser with the console, make sure to not be too spammy with time as you'll get rate limited
use the looping()
function, which takes 3 parametres
first parametre is the amount of loops to run for
second parametre is an array of options from 0-5
- 0 uses items in ascending order
- 1 uses items in descending order
- 2 alternates between both
- 3 switches randomly between each
- 4 selects a random item
- 5 randomizes all possible options third parametre is how long to wait between each loop, you can type "random" to wait from 300 to 1300 seconds
if you want to manually add items by doing the recipes ingame:
set the interceptNext
variable to true
to disable, set it to false
if you've ran the code before, you can load saved data like this
Paste the script in first without the looping() call
DO NOT load items.json
, this is just for the database thing
load currentRecipes.json
as currentRecipes
load uniqueRecipes.json
as recipes
load items.js
as items
just JSON.stringify everyting
For items, to keep the relative depth thing with other files you can use this regex
Look for
("emoticon": .*?\n\s+"mostEfficientRecipe": \[\n\s+(.*?),\n\s+(.*?)\n\s+\])
Replace with
$1,\n\t\tget depth\(\) {\n\t\t\treturn Math.max\(items[this.mostEfficientRecipe[0]].depth, items[this.mostEfficientRecipe[1]].depth\) + 1\n\t\t}
Removing the trailing `"depth": #`:
,\n\s+"depth": \d+
Make sure to readd the `"depth": #` to the first 4 elements
This file includes all items with their unicode, the most efficient recipe (so far), and their depth (sub-items you have to make)
This file includes all possible recipes I've found so far, including backwards
This file includes the first recipe found for each item, and removes all recipes that give the same item
use the exact same format as the files from the scraper, I'm too lazy to manually sift through them