Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) Automation Setup Guide


Welcome to the Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) Automation Setup Guide. This guide is designed to help you set up a GUI application using Tkinter for experiment automation.

Application Features

  1. Intuitive Angle Adjustment: Easily jog angles up or down with precision, tailored to the size of the angle for seamless navigation.

  2. Live Spectrum Visualization: Instantly view live spectrum data at any angle, providing real-time insights. Save live spectrum snapshots to a specified location for future reference.

  3. Automated Instrument Control:

    • Thorlabs K10CR1 Rotation Stage Integration: Effortlessly control rotation stage settings, including initial and final angles, and step size.
    • Ocean Optics Spectrometer: Seamlessly capture spectra data and display it on the GUI. Save spectrum data to a user-defined directory for analysis.
    • Power Meter Integration: Control power meter settings to capture power versus angle data. Plot the results directly on the GUI and save the data for further analysis.
  4. Sample Naming: Conveniently assign names to your experiments for easy identification and organization.

  5. Progress Tracking: Stay informed with a progress bar, indicating the status of ongoing operations for enhanced user experience.

  6. On-Screen Logging: Access logs directly on the GUI interface, ensuring transparency and facilitating troubleshooting if needed.

Hardware Requirements

  • Thorlabs K10CR1 Rotation Stage
  • Ocean Optics Spectrometer HR4000
  • Starbright Power Meter

Dwonload the Required Drivers

  1. Download APT Software for Thorlab K10CR1:

    • Download and install the APT (Advanced Positioning Technology) software from Thorlabs Software.
  2. Install Spectra Suite for Ocean Optics Spectrometer :

    • Download and install Spectra Suite for Ocean Optics spectrometers.
    Note: Do not plug in the Spectrometer untill you install the Spectra Suite.
  3. Install StarLab For StarbrightPower Meter

    • Download and install StarLab for Starbright Power Meter.

Required Python version

  • Python 3.9 or higher

Required Packages

  • matplotlib==3.5.2
  • numpy==1.22.0
  • pywin32==304
  • qcodes_contrib_drivers==0.18.0
  • seabreeze==2.4.0
Note: The required packages are already listed in the requirements.txt file.

How to Run the Application

  1. Open Terminal:

    • Open a terminal window on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the Application Folder:

    • Use the cd command to navigate to the folder where your application is located.
  3. Install Required Packages:

    • Type the following command and press Enter to install the required packages:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the Application:

    • Type the following command and press Enter to run the application:
      click on ASE.bat
  5. GUI Interface:

    • The GUI application will open, providing a user-friendly interface for experiment automation.
  6. Enter Required Fields:

    • Enter the required parameters, such as the start angle, final angle, step size, exposure time, and the number of accumulations.

GUI Application Logo

Addtional Resoures

  1. Learn More About QCoDeS Contrib Drivers:

  2. Explore Thorlabs K10CR1 Example:

  3. Read Python Seabreeze Documentation:

Known Issues

  • Sometime Thorlab KC10CR1 rotation stage does not move to the Home (0 deg) angle. In this case, you need to restart the application and replug the wheel then try again.