
This project uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify chest X-rays as either normal or showing signs of pneumonia. The model is trained on the Chest X-Ray Images (Pneumonia) dataset from Kaggle. The goal of this project is to develop a model that can accurately identify pneumonia in chest X-rays, which can help doctors and radiologists quickly and accurately diagnose patients.

Getting Started

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/naqeeb2710/X-Ray-Pneumonia-Prediction-CNN.git

Change the Directory

cd X-Ray-Pneumonia-Prediction-CNN

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the python script to run the local flask server

python app.py


Python version 3.7
Tensorflow 2.x 

Data Preprocessing

The dataset contains two classes, Normal and Pneumonia.
The dataset is divided into two sets, one for training and the other for testing.
The images are resized and normalised before being fed into the model

Model architecture

The model consists of a series of convolutional, max pooling, and dense layers. Dropout layers are used to prevent overfitting.

Training and Evaluation

The model is trained for 150 epochs with a batch size of 131.
The training dataset is used to train the model, and the test dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the model.
The accuracy and loss are plotted to visualise the training process.


The model achieved an accuracy of 96% on the test dataset.


This project is open to contributions, feel free to fork the repository and make pull requests.