
CtrlP FileType chooser plugin

Primary LanguageVim Script

CtrlP FileType

CtrlP extension for fuzzy-searching available file types.


CtrlP should be installed


Plugin provides CtrlPFileType command which will pop up a list of available file types.

Types are gathered from syntax files names. That is plugin will look through all runtime pathes (&rtp) looking for files matching /syntax/*.vim pattern.

To add own file types in your .vimrc you can do

let g:ctrlp_filetypes = {}

let g:ctrlp_filetypes['filetype'] = 'optional description'
" e.g

let g:ctrlp_filetypes['cpp'] = 'C++ source file'
let g:ctrlp_filetypes['eruby'] = 'Embedded Ruby'
let g:ctrlp_filetypes['conf'] = 'Configuration file'