
DevDocs.io GTK shell

Primary LanguagePython

DevDocs Shell

A shell for DevDocs.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


I liked DevDocs and wanted to use it from VIM. I've tried browser automation with Chromium and separate profile with --remote-shell-port, but that didn't work out so I made this script.


  • Python 2.7+ or 3+
  • WebKit2Gtk
  • Gtk3 along with Python bindings (the new ones: GObject Inrospection)


Just run devdocs.py. If you provide an argument then first argument will be searched (all other arguments are ignored).

VIM integration

Just add this to your .vimrc:

command! -nargs=? DevDocs :call system('devdocs.py <args> &')

au FileType python,ruby,javascript,html,php,eruby,coffee nmap <buffer> K :exec "DevDocs " . fnameescape(expand('<cword>'))<CR>

You'll have a command DevDocs and supported languages with use it for providing help (K in normal mode, usually runs man).

NOTE: devdocs.py doesn't go to background hence one needs to use & (shell background job) and its not supported on Win32.