
Crystal implementation of HTML5-Compliant Tokenizer and Parser with XPath & CSS Selector support

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Crystal-HTML5 shard is a Pure Crystal implementation of an HTML5-compliant Tokenizer and Parser. The relevant specifications include:

Shard also provides CSS Selector support by implementing W3 Selectors Level 3 specification

Tokenization is done by creating a Tokenizer for an IO. It is the caller responsibility to ensure that provided IO provides UTF-8 encoded HTML. The tokenization algorithm implemented by this shard is not a line-by-line transliteration of the relatively verbose state-machine in the WHATWG specification. A more direct approach is used instead, where the program counter implies the state, such as whether it is tokenizing a tag or a text node. Specification compliance is verified by checking expected and actual outputs over a test suite rather than aiming for algorithmic fidelity.

Parsing is done by calling HTML5.parse with either a String containing HTML or an IO instance. HTML5.parse returns a document root as HTML5::Node instance.

Parsing a fragment is done by calling HTML5.parse_fragment with either a String containing fragment of HTML5 or an IO instance. If the fragment is the InnerHTML for an existing element, pass that element in context. HTML5.parse_fragment returns a list of HTML5::Node that were found.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: naqvis/crystal-html5
  2. Run shards install


Example 1: Process each anchor <a> node.

require "html5"

html = <<-HTML5
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US">
<div class="container">
	<!-- Logo -->
   <h1>City Gallery</h1>
    <li><a href="/London">London</a></li>
    <li><a href="/Paris">Paris</a></li>
    <li><a href="/Tokyo">Tokyo</a></li>
  <img src="pic_mountain.jpg" alt="Mountain View" style="width:304px;height:228px;">
  <p>London is the capital city of England. It is the most populous city in the  United Kingdom, with a metropolitan area of over 13 million inhabitants.</p>
  <p>Standing on the River Thames, London has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history going back to its founding by the Romans, who named it Londinium.</p>
<footer>Copyright &copy; W3Schools.com</footer>

def process(node)
  if node.element? && node.data == "a"
    # Do something with node
    href = node["href"]?
    puts "#{node.first_child.try &.data} =>  #{href.try &.val}"

    # print all attributes
    node.attr.each do |a|
      # puts "#{a.key} = \"#{a.val}\""
  c = node.first_child
  while c
    c = c.next_sibling

doc = HTML5.parse(html)

# Output
# London =>  /London
# Paris =>  /Paris
# Tokyo =>  /Tokyo

Example 2: Parse an HTML or Fragment of HTML

require "html5"

def parse_html(html, context)
  if context.empty?
    doc = HTML5.parse(html)
    namespace = ""
    if (i = context.index(' ')) && (i >= 0)
      namespace, context = context[...i], context[i + 1..]
    cnode = HTML5::Node.new(
      type: HTML5::NodeType::Element,
      data_atom: HTML5::Atom.lookup(context.to_slice),
      data: context,
      namespace: namespace,

    nodes = HTML5.parse_fragment(html, cnode)
    doc = HTML5::Node.new(type: HTML5::NodeType::Document)
    nodes.each do |n|

html = %(<p>Links:</p><ul><li><a href="foo">Foo</a><li><a href="/bar/baz">BarBaz</a></ul>)
doc = parse_html(html, "body")

# Output
# Foo =>  foo
# BarBaz =>  /bar/baz

Example 3: Render HTML5::Node to HTML

require "html5"

html = %(<p>Links:</p><ul><li><a href="foo">Foo</a><li><a href="/bar/baz">BarBaz</a></ul>)
doc = HTML5.parse(html)

# Output
# <html><head></head><body><p>Links:</p><ul><li><a href="foo">Foo</a></li><li><a href="/bar/baz">BarBaz</a></li></ul></body></html>

Example 3: XPath Query

require "html5"

html = %(<p>Links:</p><ul><li><a href="foo">Foo</a><li><a href="/bar/baz">BarBaz</a></ul>)
doc = HTML5.parse(html)

# Find all A elements
list = html.xpath_nodes("//a")

# Find all A elements that have `href` attribute.
list = html.xpath_nodes("//a[@href]")

# Find all A elements with `href` attribute and only return `href` value.
list = html.xpath_nodes("//a/@href")
list.each {|a| pp a.inner_text}

# Find the second `a` element
a = html.xpath("//a[2]")

# Count the number of all a elements.
v = html.xpath_float("//a")

Refer to specs for more sample usages. And refer to Crystal XPath2 Shard for details of what functions and functionality is supported by XPath implementation.

Example 4: CSS Selector

html = <<-HTML
      <table id="t1">
      <table id="t2">

node = HTML5.parse(html)
p node.css("#t2 tr td:first-child").map(&.inner_text).to_a    # => ["123", "foo", "bar", "xyz"]
p node.css("#t2 tr td:first-child").map(&.to_html(true)).to_a # => "<td>123</td>", "<td>foo</td>", "<td>bar</td>", "<td>xyz</td>"]

html = <<-HTML
  <h2 id="foo">a header</h2>
  <h2 id="bar">another header</h2>
node = HTML5.parse(html)
p node.css("h2#foo").map(&.to_html(true)).to_a # => ["<h2 id=\"foo\">a header</h2>"]

html = <<-HTML
    <p id=p1>
    <p id=p2 class=jo>
    <p id=p3>
      <a href="some.html" id=a1>link1</a>
      <a href="some.png" id=a2>link2</a>
    <div id=bla>
      <p id=p4 class=jo>
      <p id=p5 class=bu>
      <p id=p6 class=jo>

node = HTML5.parse(html)
# select all p nodes which id like `*p*`
p node.css("p[id*=p]").map(&.["id"].val).to_a # => ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6"]

# select all nodes with class "jo"
p node.css("p.jo").map(&.["id"].val).to_a # => ["p2", "p4", "p6"]
p node.css(".jo").map(&.["id"].val).to_a  # => ["p2", "p4", "p6"]

# a element with href ends like .png
p node.css(%q{a[href$=".png"]}).map(&.["id"].val).to_a # => ["a2"]

# find all a tags inside <p id=p3>, which href contain `html`
p node.css(%q{p[id=p3] > a[href*="html"]}).map(&.["id"].val).to_a # => ["a1"]

Refer to spec/css specs for more sample usages.


To run all tests:

crystal spec


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/naqvis/crystal-html5/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
