
This is a tool help you to make skeleton-project.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status License: MIT Coverage Status

This is a tool help you to make skeleton-project.


c:\> bigh <config_file>

/* For example */

c:\> bigh config

Config Generate Tool

c:\test> bigh-create

"config file generated."

c:\test> dir
2019-01-01 PM 05:05 <DIR>      Aproj
2019-01-01 PM 05:05        85 config
c:\> _


	//this is base folder.
	//repeat count. 
	//It will generate Aproj1,Aproj2,Aproj3 folder.
	"copy_folder":true or false,
	//if set true, It do copy base folder and replace all macro string of sources in the folder. 
	//if set false, It just replace all macro string of sources in the folder already copied.
	//These are list of target source files that will be replaced all macro string.
	/*	it will be replace as like next below.
		"bigh0" -> "com.games.soccer"
		"bigh1" -> "#665934"
		"bigh2" in Aproj1 -> "game1"
		"bigh2" in Aproj2 -> "game2"
		"bigh2" in Aproj3 -> "game3"
		"bighi" in Aproj1 -> "1"
		"bighi" in Aproj2 -> "2"
		"bighi" in Aproj3 -> "3"
		"bighr" -> random string. (ex. a776Bc8)
	left side is string of base project source files.
	right side is string of new project copied.*/


bigh-cli is licensed under the MIT license.