
A collection of data-flow composition techniques that I've read about over the years in one place and implemented in Elixir.

I've been thinking (off and on) about how to compose these abstractions for years (in a way that wouldn't be completely obtuse), and I'm pretty satisfied with the result finally.

Table of Contents


Railway Oriented Programming

I would HIGHLY recommend reading the above article or watching this presentation on it instead of reading my incomplete and inferior summary of it.

Railway oriented programming is using pipes (i.e. |>/2) and two-track functions (i.e. functions that take an {:ok, _} | {:error, _} tuple as input and return the same as output).

As the pattern of returning {:ok, _} | {:error, _} is already very idiomatic for Elixir, this shouldn't be that hard, right?

So the majority of this module is around providing adapters for functions that either don't take the correct input or don't return the correct output.

For example, Rails.bind/1 takes a function that returns {:ok, _} | {:error, _}, but doesn't take it as input, and returns a function that DOES take an {:ok, _} | {:error, _} as input.

f = fn x -> {:ok, x + 1} end
bf = Rails.bind(f)

bf.({:ok, 42})
# => {:ok, 43}

bf.({:error, :foo})
# => {:error, :foo}

Whereas the does a similar thing for a normal function (i.e. one that neither takes nor returns {:ok, _} | {:error, _}).

f = fn x -> x + 3 end
mf =

mf.({:ok, 42})
# => {:ok, 45}

mf.({:error, :foo})
# => {:error, :foo}

See the documentation in Rails for more details on all the adapters provided.


Arrow TypeClass

For those of you familiar with Haskell typeclasses, you already understand this abstraction.

NOTE: this is not a very strict implementation of the arrow typeclass, it's primarily just the implementation for functions in order to reduce dependencies and make it lighter.

For those of you Haskell virgins, I would HIGHLY recommend reading this article on understanding arrows.

The primary abstraction that arrows provide for us is that of "splitting" a computation (via Arrow.product/2).


Saga Pattern

As stated very succintly in sage's docs:

It’s like Ecto.Multi but across business logic and third-party APIs.

-- @jayjun

Each stage is considered to have side-effects and consists of the action itself, and it's compensating action. It's important to note that the purpose of the compensation is to revert the side-effects of it's action.

It's a way of composing side-effectful functions with their compensation (i.e. a function that will "undo" the original effects).

To visualize it, let's imagine we have a 4-step transaction. Successful execution flow would look like:

[T1] -> [T2] -> [T3] -> [T4]

and if we get a failure on 3-d step, Sage would cleanup side effects by running compensation functions:

[T1] -> [T2] -> [T3 has an error]
[C1] <- [C2] <- [C3]

Pend and Step

Interruptible Computation as seen in this stackoverflow.

NOTE: my only wishlist item this doesn't fullfil is a purely data representation of a suspended computation (e.g. for storing remotely and optionally editting later), but the simplicity of this abstraction is definately superior to the complexity of past implementations.


Combination of Pend and diet.

After watching Dave Thomas' Transforming Programming presentation, I found the idea of his stepper compelling. This led me to attempting many partial impelementations that supported extra features (e.g. parallelism, and many of the above features).

After researching dataflow composition for years, I came across this idea of "interruptible" computation. This seemed to be a huge part of what his stepper is doing.


  • create bind that auto yields normal function
  • replicate reductions macros as seen in diet
  • adapt reductions to work with Pend
  • create stepper struct for tracking model, last result, and context
  • integrate stepper struct w/ pause monad state
  • capture the return at each yield
  • support plugins
    • recording history / debug
    • stage id / cursor tracking