

The project is a simple to-do list application that allows users to add their tasks and can mark it done by clicking on the checkbox. Below is the screenshot of the app UI in which user has added their to-do list and has also marked few of them as done. App Screenshot

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment
  • Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js
  • EJS: A templating language for JavaScript

The application is structured as follows:

  • The index.js file contains the main application logic.
  • The views directory contains the HTML templates for the application.
  • The public directory contains the static assets for the application, such as images and CSS files.

The application works as follows:

  • When the application is started, it listens for requests on port 3000.
  • When a user visits the application in a web browser, the index.ejs template is rendered.
  • The index.ejs template contains a list of all of the tasks in the to-do list.
  • Users can add new tasks to the to-do list by clicking on the "+" button.
  • Users can mark their completed tasks by clicking on the checkbox which creates a line-through over that task.
  • The application is a simple but effective way to keep track of tasks. It is easy to use and can be customized to meet the needs of the user.

The application also has a second route, localhost:3000/work, which displays a list of tasks that are specifically related to work. Below is the screenshot of the second route screenshot. App Screenshot


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