Facial Expression Detection

This article will demostrate how to create a simple facial expression detection using transfer learning. In this we will use VGG16 as a pretrained model, on the top of this model we will Create our Facial expression detector.

And also we will use google colab for training the model.


  1. tensorflow 2.x
  2. Keras
  3. Pillow

Google Colab setup

  • 1- First upload the dataset on your google drive, Create a new colab file and mount your google drive to your google colab workspace. mount

  • Now copy the dataset to your workspace

!cp -r "/content/drive/My Drive/facial Recoge Dataset" .

Now setup is complete

Now Code for Model Traning

Import all the libraries first and download vgg16 model import

setup enviormental variable and change model output layer and create a new model model

Freeze all the layer except the last output layer freeze

Import all the the dataset from directory and use augmatation on the images dataset

Compile the model and train it train

Save the model and import testing image save model

Predict the output predict