ZKP on a ERC721 using Circom and snarkjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo is an example of zkp based ERC721. In the smart contract we hide the ID and owner of the tokens minted.

Circom Developer Command

Generating PTAU

npx snarkjs powersoftau new bn128 12 ./PTAU/pot12_0000.ptau -v
npx snarkjs powersoftau contribute ./PTAU/pot12_0000.ptau ./PTAU/pot12_0001.ptau --name="Narayan" -v
npx snarkjs powersoftau prepare phase2 ./PTAU/pot12_0001.ptau ./PTAU/pot12_final.ptau -v

Compile Circuit

circom ./circuits/mint.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./circuits/build

circom ./circuits/sender.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./circuits/build
circom ./circuits/receiver.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./circuits/build

circom ./circuits/ownership.circom --wasm --r1cs -o ./circuits/build

Generate zKey

npx snarkjs groth16 setup ./circuits/build/mint.r1cs ./PTAU/pot12_final.ptau ./keys/mint.zkey

npx snarkjs groth16 setup ./circuits/build/sender.r1cs ./PTAU/pot12_final.ptau ./keys/sender.zkey
npx snarkjs groth16 setup ./circuits/build/receiver.r1cs ./PTAU/pot12_final.ptau ./keys/receiver.zkey

npx snarkjs groth16 setup ./circuits/build/ownership.r1cs ./PTAU/pot12_final.ptau ./keys/ownership.zkey

Generate verification key

npx snarkjs zkey export verificationkey ./keys/mint.zkey ./keys/mint_verification_key.json

npx snarkjs zkey export verificationkey ./keys/sender.zkey ./keys/sender_verification_key.json
npx snarkjs zkey export verificationkey ./keys/receiver.zkey ./keys/receiver_verification_key.json

npx snarkjs zkey export verificationkey ./keys/ownership.zkey ./keys/ownership_verification_key.json

Generate smart contract to verify proof

npx snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier ./keys/mint.zkey ./contracts/Verifier/Mint/Verifier.sol

npx snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier ./keys/sender.zkey ./contracts/Verifier/Sender/Verifier.sol
npx snarkjs zkey export solidityverifier ./keys/receiver.zkey ./contracts/Verifier/Receiver/Verifier.sol

Circom User Commands

Test mint and transfer

npx hardhat run ./scripts/mint_and_transfer.ts
npx hardhat run ./scripts/ownership.ts