
RabbitMQ Queue Importer

Primary LanguagePython

RabbitMQ Queue Importer


The main idea is to send CSV data (or the CSV itself, this will be discussed later) to other sources in order to import the data into databases. For now we are going to have PostgreSQL and Redis.

The client will continuously send the CSV data to RMQ's specified queue's which every service has it's own separated queue. The data will remain in the RMQ section until servers fetch it. After fetching, the server will send ack packet to RMQ asking to clear the queue.


RabbitMQ service should be installed on master server, then the script will connect to it via pika python module.

pip3 install pika


We need to enable listening on all interfaces:

{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}, {"::1", 5672}]},

Allow guest remote access:

{loopback_users, []},

Currently we don't need hearbeat functionality in RMQ so disable it:

{heartbeat, 0}

Finally restart the service:

service rabbitmq restart


For the Redis, it's better to disable disk writing in redis.conf file.

Comment the following options:

# save 900 1
# save 300 10
# save 60 10000

Configuration File

Name Value
log_path Unix path for log file
[Client] host RabbitMQ's host IP in order to connect the client to
[Client] csv_path Where should the client look for the CSV files
[Client] queue_dict How many queues are listening with queue timeout in milliseconds
[Client] sleep_time Number of seconds that the client should wait to send the next CSV file
[Master Server] rmp_host RabbitMQ's host IP
[PostgreSQL Consumer] pg_queue_name PostgreSQL queue name
[PostgreSQL Consumer] csv_store_path Unix path for storing CSV files
[Redis Consumer] redis_queue_name Redis queue name
[Redis Consumer] redis_host Redis server's IP address
[Redis Consumer] redis_port Redis server's port
[Redis Consumer] redis_ttl Redis expiry TTL in seconds