
Working at my assignment

Primary LanguageJinja


It's my assignment.

About The Assignment

Use Docker(-compose) and Ansible to deploy and provision a simple web server cluster having 3 servers.

  • 1 load balancer using nginx or haproxy
  • 2 web servers running a simple hello world using PHP

Please use centos or ubuntu as a base docker image for the instances.

Diagram Screen Shot

Getting Started

Project's directory/files structure

The main folder in the project is the 'ansible-playbook' directory that includes all the files we need to raise the cluster. I have used the 'ansible roles directory structure' standard and you can find some folders like:

  • site.yml, for master playbook
  • roles, for ansible roles
  • group_vars, for assign variables to particular groups
  • inventory.yml, for the load balancer and webservers servers

roles directory

├── ansible.cfg
├── group_vars
│   ├── loadbalancers.yml
│   └── webservers.yaml
├── inventory.yml
├── requirements.yaml
├── roles
│   ├── ansible-docker
│   ├── ansible-docker-compose
│   ├── ansible-haproxy
│   └── ansible-php

We will use four prominent roles to create a web cluster with the ansible:

  • ansible-docker: This role installs and configures Docker and Docker Compos for us.
── ansible-docker
   ├── defaults
   │   └── main.yml
   ├── handlers
   │   └── main.yml
   ├── tasks
   │   ├── config.yml
   │   ├── install.yml
   │   └── main.yml
   └── templates
       └── etc
  • ansible-docker-compose: This role manages services prerequisites and counters that run with Docker Compos . in the 'files' directory, you can see project folder includes Dockerfile, docker-compose.yml and other project's files.
── ansible-docker-compose
   ├── defaults
   │   └── main.yml
   ├── files
   │   ├── loadbalancer
   │   └── webserver
   └── tasks
       └── main.yml
  • ansible-haproxy: It creates haproxy.cfg file in place(roles/ansible-docker-compose/files/loadbalancer/haproxy.cfg)
── ansible-haproxy
   ├── defaults
   │   └── main.yml
   ├── tasks
   │   └── main.yml
   └── templates
       ├── backend.cfg.j2
       ├── frontend.cfg.j2
       ├── haproxy.cfg.j2
       └── listen.cfg.j2
  • ansible-php: It creates php.ini file in place(roles/ansible-docker-compose/files/webserver/php.ini)
── ansible-php
   ├── defaults
   │   └── main.yml
   ├── tasks
   │   ├── configure.yml
   │   └── main.yml
   └── templates
       └── php.ini.j2

site.yml file

In the site.yml file, you can see how roles are categorized based on host inventory, and the following tags have been given:

- hosts: webservers
    - role: ansible-docker
      tags: ['docker-role']

    - role: ansible-php
      tags: ['php-role','update']

    - role: ansible-docker-compose
      tags: ['docker-compose-role','update']

- hosts: loadbalancers
    - role: ansible-docker
      tags: ['docker-role']

    - role: ansible-haproxy
      tags: ['haproxy-role','update']

    - role: ansible-docker-compose
      tags: ['docker-compose-role','update']


Run project like this:

cd ansible-playbook

## All nodes 
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml -l all site.yml --become 

## Webserver 
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml -l webservers site.yml --become 

## Loadbalanceer
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml -l loadbalancers site.yml --become 

Ansible tags

The following tags are defined in playbooks:

Tag name Used for
docker-role Installing/Configuring docker and docker-compose services
update Run dokcer compose and Configuring files (image tag sould be update befor run)
haproxy-role Configuring haproxy.cfg
php-role Configuring php.ini
docker-compose-role update/build docker-compose, for restart set 'docker_compose__restart' variable yes.


Before running the project in production, you can test it with vagrant :

cd vagrant
vagrant up
ssh-copy-id vagrant@10.0.0,1.11,12  #password vagrant
cd ../ansible-playbook 
ansible-playbook -i ../vagrant/inventory.yml -l all --tags dokcer-role site.yml --become 


You can forward port to see the haproxy dashboard:

ssh -NL (haproxy server ip)

Haproxy dashboard Screen Shot

Security / reliability tips


1- Set resorce limitashion for our contaners. We can also regulate the number of connections with the number of resources.

          cpus: '1'
          memory: 1000M
          cpus: '1'
          memory: 1000M

2- We can also regulate the number of connections with resources.


3- Set 'restart: always' for docker compose.

    image: haproxy:1.3
      context: ./
    restart: always  # <---


1- Remove public IPs from machines that do not need.

2- Enable firewall (aws, deploy network security across your Amazon VPCs)