
Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Event Driven Microservices Ecommerce App running on Kubernetes with Istio as the service-mesh and cloudnative serverless components by knative and deployed to kubernetes via Gitops pipeline with ArgoCD and the kubernetes platform is built as Infrastructure as Code [IaC] with Terraform.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

✨Glotixz - Ultimate Stack

Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Event Driven Microservices Ecommerce App deployed and running on Kubernetes with istio as the service-mesh and cloudnative serverless components by knative and deployed to Kubernetes via Gitops pipeline with ArgoCD and the kubernetes platform is built as Infrastructure as Code [IaC] with Terraform .

The complete Glotixz microservices apps are developed and deployed in CIVO Kubernetes platform.

✨✨✨Note 📚:

The deployments are optimized only for staging k8s cluster only and not yet for production cluster.

✨✨✨ Overview 🍁:

Ultimate Stack [Glotixz] is a Typescript/Javascript based fullstack ecommerce app which can be used to sell tickets for events by users registered in the app and payment is fullfilled by stripe.

The Backend services are a microservices built with Expressjs + Typescript which are event driven systems with the nats-streaming-server as the event-bus publishing/delivering events from and to the services respectively.

All the backend serivces along with their respective databases and frontend is deployed in kubernetes by Gitops via ArgoCD

The complete overview of the Architecture and workflow:

Glotix - (Ultimate Stack) Overall Architecture Overview

✨Tools used during development and pre & post deployment 🛠️ :

  • vscode - Code Editior of choice
  • okteto cli - cloudnative dev container management tool
  • kubectl - CLI to interact with Kubernetes Cluster
  • kubens & kubectx - awesome tools to help with switiching namespaces and cluster contexts respectively with ease
  • istioctl - CLI to install and interact with istio in the k8s cluster
  • kubeseal - CLI to create sealedsecrets by interacting with the k8s cluster
  • terraform - To provision k8s cluster and other resources with the preferred providers via IaC [Infrastructure as Code]
  • kn - CLI to create/interact with KNative deployments in the k8s cluster
  • argocd - CLI to interact with argocd resources in the kubernetes cluster
  • draw.io - to create the architecture overview diagram
  • Excalidraw - used to sketch out various simple architecture decision diagrams

✨✨ Cloud Native development ☸️:

This project is entirely built with cloud native development process on kubernetes with the use of the okteto cli. Okteto cli make the development process ease with the use of the okteto.yaml manifest file as it does the abstraction of connection between the local IDE/Editor (vscode was my preferred editor).

Every service folder will have a okteto.yml manifest file. This file can be generated with followig command:

$>> okteto init

The okteto init command will scan the available deployments in your Kubernetes namespace, and ask you to pick one deployment where we want to do our development.

✨✨Note 📚:

Okteto CLI will work only if we have the kubernetes config file set in the ~/.kube folder or KUBECONFIG="/Foldername/config" as a environment variable.

the okteto.yml file will be like the following:

#this it the developemt-service name we can set which will reflect in the k8s environment dev container in the deployment.

name: mcs-auth-service 

# autocreate when set to true will create a new deployment if it's not present already.

autocreate: true 

# this is the container image used inside the development container.

image: quay.io/narendev/fishnode:1.0

# the first command which to be executed when the dev container is up.

command: fish

# This will set which folders & files to track and sync for the new changes happens in the dev container to the local files respectively. [The synchronization is completely taken care by the okteto cli (which is awesome !!!) ]

- .:/usr/src/app

# These are the ports forwarded from the container to the local system

- 9229:9229
- 3000:3000
persistentVolume: {}

# Annotations which needs to be applied on the container while deploying can be mentioned under this `annotations` section

  sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"

Now, we have the okteto.yml file, now run the okteto command to start/stop the dev container in the kubernetes:

To starting the dev container:

$>> okteto up

To stop the dev container:

$>> okteto down

✨✨Note 📚:

Okteto have a vscode extension which will help a lot by streamlinging the dev process by just few clicks. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=okteto.remote-kubernetes

✨✨ Infrastructure as Code with Terraform:

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions.

The kubernetes clusters is created with the terrafrom.

It's a good practice to have a dev, staging and production clusters to streamline the development , testing and production deployment process aligned respectively.

These different clusters can be created with ease by using terraform and utilizings it workspace feature to create many cluster with the same config in the provider of our choice.


Version of terraform used:

$>> terraform version
Terraform v0.15.0

The terraform IaC codes is in the './Terraform' folder.

✨✨ Frontend:

The Frontend for the Glotixz app is created by using the NextJS - a reactjs based Javascript framework.

✨✨ Details of the Backend MicroServices ⛓️:

The Backend services are written in Typescript with Expressjs web framework which runs on the NodeJS v14 runtime.

There are a total of 5 microservices which handles one core group functionality each respectively. The microservices are:

  • Auth-Service
  • Expiration-Service
  • Orders-Service
  • Payment-Service
  • Ticket-Service

All the services endpoints are covered with tests via Jest testing library.

✨ Auth-Service :

This microservice have endpoints for the user creation signup and authentication of users like signin,signout and currentuser. The authroization is done via creation of JWT tokens which are sent via Cookies \ Session-Cookies which is used by the other microservices to know about the user access and authorization privilages.The auth-service uses a MongoDB as its' database which is also deployed in the cluster as a statesfulset resource.

The Auth-Service folder have the code for the Auth-Service microservice.

✨ Expiration-Service:

This microservice endpoints are used internally by other microservices and not exposed to the users. This microservice keeps track of the expiraiton time and sends a event to the event-bus when the expiration time for a order is reached. This microservies use a redisDB as its' database which is also deployed in the cluster as a statefulset resource.

The Expiration-Service folder have the code for the Expiration-Service microservice.

✨ Orders-Service:

This microservice have endpoints for the order creation, listing , deleting and showing a particular order. The Orders-Service will expect to receive the Authentication Cookie to validate if the user is authenticated to access the protected routes along with the request. The orders-service uses a MongoDB as its' database which is also deployed in the cluster as a statesfulset resource.

The Orders-Service folder have the code for the Orders-Service microservice.

✨ Payment-Service:

This microservice have endpoints for fullfilling a Orders' payment with Stripe. The Payment-Service will expect to receive the Authentication Cookie to validate if the user is authenticated to access the protected routes along with the request. The payment-service uses a MongoDB as its' database which is also deployed in the cluster as a statesfulset resource.

The Payment-Service folder have the code for the Payment-Service microservice.

✨ Ticket-Service:

This microservice have endpoints for the creation,listing, updating and showing tickets. The Ticket-Service will expect to receive the Authentication Cookie to validate if the user is authenticated to access the protected routes along with the request. The Ticket-service uses a MongoDB as its' database which is also deployed in the cluster as a statesfulset resource.

The Ticket-Service folder have the code for the Ticket-Service microservice.

✨✨ Swagger OpenAPI spec:

The Backend services endpoints are documented with Swagger OpenAPI spec Version 3.0.3 and hosted with swagger express UI in the service itself.

Links to the Backend services Swagger Docs:

Glotixz Order-Service Swagger Spec

✨✨ Note 📚:

The following VS Code extension OpenAPI (swagger) Editor was very useful while writting the swagger specs. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=42Crunch.vscode-openapi

✨✨ Common Modules Published to NPM 📁⬇️⬆️:

Most commonly used methods, middlewars and object model types are abstracted and created into a javascript library which is in the ./Library/common folder.

This common module is published into the npm as standalone package which can be downloaded by our microservices.

#  with npm
$>> npm i @wowowow/common


# with yarn
$>> yarn add @wowowow/common

here is the package url: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@wowowow/common

✨✨ EventBus ◀️↔️▶️:

Nats-Streaming-Server is the event-bus of choice for the Glotixz fullstack event driven microservices app.


NodeJS NATS-Streaming-Server client is used in the each of the microservices to publish and listen to the events respectively.

$>> npm i node-nats-streaming

#   or  

$>> yarn add node-nats-streaming

✨✨ Note 📚:

while using NATS-Streaming-Server with istio servicemesh, the names of the exposed ports in the kubernetes service for the Nats-streaming-server deployment must follow the istios' port naming convention as mentioned in the Istio docs. During deployment this have caused a issues which led the backend services not working as intented as the istio-side cars blocked the incoming/outing requests from the eventbus. nats-io/nats-operator#88

✨✨ ServiceMesh ✳️:

Istio is the service mesh chosen for this event-driven microservices.

For now, the PeerAuthentication is set in mtls PERMISSIVE mode. [which can be upgraded to STRICT mode if required.]

Installation yamls for istio is in the "./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/istio-install/install-manifest-istio.yaml" file.

The above yaml is generated via the istioctl CLI:

$>> istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo > install-manifest-istio.yaml

✨✨ Note :

The istio version installed in the cluster is:

$>>istioctl version
client version: 1.9.0
control plane version: 1.9.0

Here is the routes overview seen in the Kiali dashboard graph ,which also show the traffic coming into the cluster. Kiali dashboard graph shows routes traffic

✨✨Note 📚:

Kiali is one of the observability add-ons which is compatible with istio, the following metrics of routes and it's traffic is collected via the sidecar injected into the pods of the deployment.

✨ Reasons for choosing istio:

  • Istio comes with a traffic management solution and have routing ingress gateway called "Istio IngressGateway" which is powered by Envoy , it is a powerful L7 Proxy which acts as the ingress controller
  • Routing for Services can be created by utilizing VirtualService and Gateway API object exposed by Istio.
  • Istio have automatic side-car injection to all the pods in the deployments and statefulsets in a namespace, if that namespace has a Labeled istio-injection=enabled.
  • Istio have powerful mutual TLS support which can upgrade all the traffic from http to https and istio will take care of the issuing and maintaining the tls certificate with ease.
  • Istio's authentication and authorization policies can be used to restrict and enable communication between containers in the pod as per our intented wish. With AuthorizationPolicy set on a workload, we can lock down which containers can make network requests and which can't.
  • Istio is one of the supported mesh used by KNative.

✨✨ Note 📚:

To disable sidecar injection in one or many pods on the deployments in the namespace, we can add the following annotation in the deployment yaml.

  sidecar.istio.io/inject: "false"

✨✨Longhorn 🗨️:

Storageclasses are important in managing and assigning storage volumes via PV and PVC to a deployment or a StatefulSet.

Longhorn is a lightweight, reliable and easy-to-use distributed block storage system for Kubernetes is the chosen storageclass to manage stroage volumes for this project.

Installing Longhorn in the k8s cluster:

$>> kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/longhorn-install/longhorn-install.yaml

The longhorn UI dashboard can be accessed via port-forwarding with kubectl:

# port-forwarding the longhorn UI
$>> kubectl -n longhorn-system  port-forward svc/longhorn-frontend 80:80

Longhorn UI dashboard

✨✨ Secret Management 🔏:

Secrets are sensitive info which are critical for the working of the app and it shouldn't be publicly exposed, which makes the management of secrets a Herculean task as we can't store them in git repos.

To overcome this shortfalls, Kubernetes community have Sealed Secrets.

Sealed Secrets are a "one-way" encrypted Secret that can be created by anyone, but can only be decrypted by the controller running in the target cluster. The Sealed Secret is safe to share publicly, upload to git repositories, share on blogs, tweets, etc. Once the SealedSecret is safely uploaded to the target Kubernetes cluster, the sealed secrets controller will decrypt it and recover the original Secret.

The SealedSecrets implementation have two parts:

  • A controller that runs in-cluster, and implements a new SealedSecret Kubernetes API object via the "third party resource" mechanism.
  • A kubeseal CLI that encrypts a regular Kubernetes Secret object (as YAML or JSON) into a SealedSecret.

Once decrypted by the controller, the enclosed Secret can be used exactly like a regular K8s Secret.[just like a regular kubernetes secret]

Installing Sealed Secrets in the Cluster:

$>> kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/sealed-secrets-install/sealed-secret-install.yaml

⭐🎉🎉🎉SealedSecrets is the Gitops way of managing secrets and it's never been eaiser than now.

More details about the working of the sealed secrets can be found in my sealedsecrets-explored repo

✨✨ Note 📚:

There are other secret management soultions exists for kubernetes such as HashiCorps' Vault, Azure Key Vault, AWS Secrets Manager ,etc.,.

✨✨ Container Image Repository 🚢:

Quay is the container Image Repository chosed for building and storing all the container images related to this Ultimate stack project/repo.

Quay is Red Hat®s' private container registry that stores, builds, and deploys container images. It analyzes container images for security vulnerabilities, identifying potential issues that can help you mitigate security risks.

A new organization called "Ultimate stack" is created in Quay to store all the container images related to this microservice project.

Glotixz Ultimate Stack image repository

All the container are built via git based build triggers set in quay registry which are triggered to a build when a commit is made.

✨✨ Gitops 🧿:

GitOps is the modern way of implementing Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration [CI/CD] for cloud native applications in the kubernetes cluster.

✨ ArgoCD 🐙:

ArgoCD is the choice of Gitops tool chosen to do Continuous deployment for this project. ArgoCD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

ArgoCD is installed in the argocd namespace in the k8s cluster.

# creating the argocd namespace first
$>> kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/argocd-install/argocd-namespace.yaml

#installing argocd in the cluster 
$>> kubectl apply -f  ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/argocd-install/argocd-install.yaml

Now the ArgoCD is installed in the cluster, we can create a argocd application to do the Continuous Deployment into the K8s cluster.

The argocd application config is declaratively defined in the ./kubernetes/staging/gitops-setup/argocd-app-config.yaml file.

# creating the argocd app with default project
$>> kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/staging/gitops-setup/argocd-app-config.yaml

The ArgoCD app is set to track for the changes happening in the gitops folder.

ArgoCD successful deployment seen in the ArgoCD UI

Sync policy is set to automated, prune is set to false and self-heal is set to true in the argocd application.

      prune: false
      selfHeal: true

✨✨ Note 📚:

ArgoCD UI can be accessed via port-forwarding the argocd svc:

$>> kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

the password for login and how to reset can be found in the docs here.

✨ Tekton :

Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing developers to build, test, and deployacross cloud providers and on-premise systems.

Tekton pipelines are very powerful and it can be run directly in the k8s cluster.

Installing tekton in the cluster:

$>> kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/tekton-install/tekton-install.yaml

Tekton comes with a tkn cli to create tasks and pipelines.

tekton pipelines for the glotixz - ultimate stack project is still under desigining phase and testing phase. Will be added to the repo once it's done.

✨✨ Observability, Monitoring and Tracing:

While installing istio, the addons for observability and monitoring such prometheus, jaeger,grafana,kiali which are paired well with istio are installed.

The installation yamls for these addons are in the ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/istio-install/addons/ folder.

# changing to the istio-install/addons/ folder
$>> cd ./kubernetes/staging/cluster-setup/istio-install/addons/

# installing all of them into the k8s cluster
$>> kubectl apply -f .

✨✨ Note 📚:

All the obervability and monitoring addons are installed with default configuration provided with the istio release

✨ Kiali:

Kiali is an observability console for Istio with service mesh configuration and validation capabilities. It helps you understand the structure and health of your service mesh by monitoring traffic flow to infer the topology and report errors. Kiali provides detailed metrics and a basic Grafana integration, which can be used for advanced queries. Distributed tracing is provided by integration with Jaeger.

Accessing the kiali dashboard:

with istioctl:

$>> istioctl dashboard kiali

with kubectl:

$>> kubectl -n istio-system port-forward svc/kiali 20001:20001

✨ Grafana:

Grafana is an open source monitoring solution that can be used to configure dashboards for Istio. We can use Grafana to monitor the health of Istio and of applications within the service mesh.

The metrics from the glotixz app: Grafana dashboard

✨ Prometheus:

Prometheus is an open source monitoring system and time series database. We can use Prometheus with Istio to record metrics that track the health of Istio and of applications within the service mesh. We can visualize metrics using tools like Grafana and Kiali.

✨ Jaeger:

Jaeger is an open source end to end distributed tracing system, allowing users to monitor and troubleshoot transactions in complex distributed systems.

App overview in the Jaeger Dashboard: Jaeger App Architecture Overview in dashboard

Tracing for the requests in the Jaeger Dashboard: tracing in Jaeger dashboard UI

✨✨ Note 📚:

All the metrics are collected from the istio sidecar injected into the pods in the deployments. Application level Observability, tracing and monitoring needs to be built into the app, so that we can get fine grain details of the realtime process from inside the app for each requests and operations.

✨✨ Futher Future Improvements ⏳:

These are the possible future improvement which can be made to make the even more solid and functional. They are:

  • ☐ Upgrade connection from http to https with TLS certifactes by use of cert-manager which automates certificate management in the k8s cluster.
  • ☐ Lock authentication and authorization access to the apps deployemts and to it's relative Database statefulset deployemts respectively in the Istio's PeerAuthentication mode set to STRICT.
  • ☐ Move to use a solid Typescript based framework like nestjs for the Backend APIs.
  • ☐ Implement and Migrate the backend service from the cookie/cookie-session based authentication to the Authentication bearer token based auth.
  • ☐ Improve styling in the Frontend App.
  • ☐ Make Frontend a static site and remove all the SSR components and use redux or redux-tool for solid statemanagment and use typescript in the frontend too.
  • ☐ Create and deploy database with replicasets with primary and secondary replicators enabled with data replication. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/replica-set-architecture-three-members/
  • ☐ Improve cluster security with using Falco.
  • ☐ Create and add more Services such as Ads-service, User-service, Recommendation-Service and Email-service respectively in accordance with their useage to the Glotixz app.
  • ☐ Add Chaos-Testing
  • ☐ Create and add kustomise templated for the k8s yamls for the glotixz app
  • ☐ Test the application in a Openshift environment
  • ☐ Try to create IaC with pulumi