
Simple shell script for automated domain recognition with some tools

Primary LanguageShell


BannerMaintenance made-with-bash MIT license




  • Installation tested on Debian 9 / Kali 2019.1
  • Recon tested on Debian 9 / Ubuntu 18.04 / 2019.1

Requierement : Golang

git clone https://github.com/JoshuaMart/AutoRecon
cd AutoRecon

Edit the following variables on install.sh & create ToolsDir directories :

ToolsDIR="/root/Recon/Tools" #Directory where tools was installed
GoPath="/root/go" #Your Go Workspace

And the following variables on recon.sh :

ToolsDIR="/root/Recon/Tools" #Directory where tools was installed
ResultsPath="/root/Recon" #Directory where you want scans results
TransferSH="https://transfer.sh" #Change this if you have you own transfer.sh
subjackDebug="/root/go/src/github.com/haccer/subjack/fingerprints.json" #Subjack bug without this ...

Run installer :


Launch Subfinder once and fill in the configuration file :

nano /root/.config/subfinder/config.json


./recon.sh -d domain.tld -a -u


Options :

-d | --domain  (required) : Launch passive scan (Passive Amass, CRT.sh, Certspotter, Subfinder, Subjack, TkoSubs)
-a | --active  (optional) : Launch active scans (Active Amass, Sublist3r, GoWitness, CORStest)
-m | --masscan (optional) : Launch masscan (Can be very long & very aggressive ...)
-u | --upload  (optional) : Upload archive on Transfer.sh

If your internet connection crash with Masscan options, change --rate options to 100 at line 102