
A simple library for dictionary lookup using Pearson and Webster API's

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Lookup word defintions and synonyms with dict, Pearson or Webster API's.



Clone this repository or download it as zip. Add it to your load-path:

  (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/wordly/dir/")


;; Simple setup:
(setq wordly-pearson-consumer-key "<key from http://api.pearson.com")
(setq wordly-webster-thesaurus-key "<key from http://www.dictionaryapi.com/api")

;;  Then, you can lookup the defintion of word at point with:
;;       M-x wordly-define-word-at-point
;;  and the synonyms for the word at point with
;;       M-x wordly-show-synonyms-for-word-at-point
;; If you use `use-package`, you can do something like this:
   (use-package wordly
     :load-path "<path/to/wordly/>"
     :pin manual
     :bind (("C-c d" . wordly-define-word-at-point)
            ("C-c s" . wordly-show-synonyms-for-word-at-point)))