Lookup word defintions and synonyms with dict, Pearson or Webster API's.
Clone this repository or download it as zip. Add it to your load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/wordly/dir/")
;; Simple setup:
(setq wordly-pearson-consumer-key "<key from http://api.pearson.com")
(setq wordly-webster-thesaurus-key "<key from http://www.dictionaryapi.com/api")
;; Then, you can lookup the defintion of word at point with:
;; M-x wordly-define-word-at-point
;; and the synonyms for the word at point with
;; M-x wordly-show-synonyms-for-word-at-point
;; If you use `use-package`, you can do something like this:
(use-package wordly
:load-path "<path/to/wordly/>"
:pin manual
:bind (("C-c d" . wordly-define-word-at-point)
("C-c s" . wordly-show-synonyms-for-word-at-point)))