
Task manager to be used by Python team.

Primary LanguageCSS

Task Manager using Flask

This project is currently used by Python Developers of DRC Systems.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Install All required packages from requirements.txt file

How to use

For Developers,
    Login to your account using credetials provided by Team Leader
    You can add new task and download xls file.
    While Adding task keep in mind following things,
        - For Project ID, Go to your project link e.g. http://erp.drcsystems.com/pms/projects/details/10427
        So in this case your Project ID is 10427
        - Give Task Title, Milestone, QA and Description.
        - Start Date and End Date are default set as the next working day, also you can change it.
        - Another things you can modify as per your requirements.
        - Keep Description clean and there should be no extra spaces (No new line)

For Team Leaders,
    Login to your account.
    You can check all developers details in your dashboard.
    In QuickView, 
        - You can easily get every developers latest tasks details.
        - You can easily get all developers task details for specific date.
        - You can easily get all develoeprs task details project-wise for speicific date.