This project is based on Clean Architecture by Robert Cecil Martin aka Uncle Bob.
It uses android architecture components (Live data, View model and Room) with RxJava2, Dagger2 and Retrofit2.
- Create extensible and reusable modules to use across multiple apps.
- A system that is testable, independent of frameworks, database and UI
- When some frameworks or libraries become obsolete easily replace them with new ones.
There are three main packages.
base : all your base classes go in this package
features : all your features related code go in this package
app : all your high level classes that combine multiple features go in here.
base and feature packages are divided into four standard packages (data, presentation, usecases and entities).
As your code grows, you can move base package to a separate library module and each feature to a separate feature module. And you can reuse the features across your multiple android apps.
Key principle: Nothing in an inner circle can know anything at all about something in an outer circle
To understand and adapt clean architecture on android apps, take a look at the following great articles:
Original article by Uncle Bob:
A three part series blog on Android Architecture from FIVE: