
Swift µframework for creating state machines

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Swift µframework for creating finite-state machines, designed for clarity and maintainability. Can create diagrams:

example digraph

Table of Contents


  • Diagrams that can be automatically saved in your repo each time you run the app in the simulator
  • Immutable, reusable state machine schemas
  • Readable state and event names — no long prefixes
  • Type safety: errors will appear at compilation when a state or an event are absent from schema, when passing an event from a different state machine, etc.


API documentation is in the source. See Example for code samples with an explanation. For more introduction, see the post on the Macoscope blog.


SwiftyStateMachine is a framework — you can build it and drag it to your project. We provide built frameworks for iOS and OS X in ZIP files on our Releases page.

If you want to automate the installation and future updates, we recommend using Carthage:

# Cartfile
github "macoscope/SwiftyStateMachine" == 0.3.0

You can also use CocoaPods:

# Podfile
pod 'SwiftyStateMachine', '0.3.0'


In this example, we're going to implement a simple state machine you've seen at the beginning of this file:

example digraph

Let's start with defining enums for states and events:

enum Number {
    case One, Two, Three

enum Operation {
    case Increment, Decrement

Next, we have to specify the state machine layout. In SwiftyStateMachine, that means creating a schema. Schemas are immutable structs that can be used by many StateMachine instances. They indicate the initial state and describe transition logic, i.e. how states are connected via events and what code is executed during state transitions.

Schemas incorporate three generic types: State and Event, which we defined above, and Subject which represents an object associated with a state machine. To keep things simple we won't use subject right now, so we'll specify its type as Void:

import SwiftyStateMachine

let schema = StateMachineSchema<Number, Operation, Void>(initialState: .One) { (state, event) in
    switch state {
        case .One: switch event {
            case .Decrement: return nil
            case .Increment: return (.Two, { _ in print("1 → 2") })
            // we used nil to ignore the event
            // and _ to ignore the subject

        case .Two: switch event {
            case .Decrement: return (.One, { _ in print("2 → 1") })
            case .Increment: return (.Three, { _ in print("2 → 3") })

        case .Three: switch event {
            case .Decrement: return (.Two, nil)  // nil transition block
            case .Increment: return nil

You probably expected nested switch statements after defining two enums. 😉

To understand the above snippet, it's helpful to look at the initializer's signature:

init(initialState: State,
     transitionLogic: (State, Event) -> (State, (Subject -> ())?)?)

We specify transition logic as a block. It accepts two arguments: the current state and the event being handled. It returns an optional tuple of a new state and an optional transition block. When the tuple is nil, it indicates that there is no transition for a given state-event pair, i.e. a given event should be ignored in a given state. When the tuple is non-nil, it specifies the new state that the machine should transition to and a block that should be called after the transition. The transition block is optional. It gets passed a Subject object as an argument, which we ignored in this example by using _.

Now, let's create a machine based on the schema and test it:

// we use () as subject because subject type is Void
var machine = StateMachine(schema: schema, subject: ())

machine.handleEvent(.Decrement)  // nothing happens
if machine.state == .One { print("one") }  // prints "one"

machine.handleEvent(.Increment)  // prints "1 → 2"
if machine.state == .Two { print("two") }  // prints "two"

Cool. We can also get notified about transitions by providing a didTransitionCallback block. It is called after a transition with three arguments: the state before the transition, the event causing the transition, and the state after the transition:

machine.didTransitionCallback = { (oldState, event, newState) in
    print("changed state!")

OK, what about the diagram? SwiftyStateMachine can create diagrams in the DOT graph description language. To create a diagram, we have to use GraphableStateMachineSchema which has the same initializer as the regular StateMachineSchema, but requires state and event types to conform to the DOTLabelable protocol. This protocol makes sure that all elements have nice readable labels and that they are present on the graph (there's no way to automatically find all enum cases):

extension Number: DOTLabelable {
    static var DOTLabelableItems: [Number] {
        return [.One, .Two, .Three]

    // Implementing this property in not required but we show it here for the
    // sake of completeness.  You can use it to customize labels on the graph.
    // In the following implementation we are basically returning `"\(self)"`.
    // In fact, this protocol already has a default implementation that does
    // just that.  Because of this, we will skip `DOTLabel` when implementing
    // `DOTLabelable` extension of `Operation`.
    var DOTLabel: String {
        switch self {
            case .One: return "One"
            case .Two: return "Two"
            case .Three: return "Three"

extension Operation: DOTLabelable {
    static var DOTLabelableItems: [Operation] {
        return [.Increment, .Decrement]

When our types conform to DOTLabelable, we can define our structure as before, but this time using GraphableStateMachineSchema. Then we can print the diagram:

let schema = GraphableStateMachineSchema// ...
digraph {
    graph [rankdir=LR]

    0 [label="", shape=plaintext]
    0 -> 1 [label="START"]

    1 [label="One"]
    2 [label="Two"]
    3 [label="Three"]

    1 -> 2 [label="Increment"]
    2 -> 3 [label="Increment"]
    2 -> 1 [label="Decrement"]
    3 -> 2 [label="Decrement"]

On iOS we can even have the graph file saved in the repo each time we run the app in the simulator:

try schema.saveDOTDigraphIfRunningInSimulator(filepathRelativeToCurrentFile: "123.dot")

DOT files can be viewed by a number of applications, including the free Graphviz. If you use Homebrew, you can install Graphviz with the following commands:

brew update
brew install graphviz --with-app
brew linkapps graphviz

Graphviz comes with a dot command which can be used to generate graph images without launching the GUI app:

dot -Tpng 123.dot > 123.png

This ends our example and the tour of SwiftyStateMachine's API. Enjoy improving your code by explicitly defining distinct states and transitions between them! While you do so, please keep two things in mind:

  1. Your subjects are probably reference types (classes). Storing a state machine as a property of a subject normally would create a reference cycle, so SwiftyStateMachine uses weak references for class-based subjects. This means you have to keep a strong reference to a subject somewhere else, but you usually already do this. When subject references become nil, transitions are no longer performed.

  2. Remember that Swift enums can have associated values — you can pass additional information with events or store data in states. For example, if you had a game with a heads-up display, you could do something like this:

enum HUDEvent {
    case TakeDamage(Double)
    // ...

// ...



If you see a way to improve the project, please leave a comment, open an issue or start a pull request. It's better to begin with an issue rather than a pull request, though, because we might disagree whether the proposed change is an actual improvement. 😉

To run tests, install Carthage and run carthage update to download and build test frameworks.

When introducing changes, please try to conform to the style present in the project — both with respect to code formatting and commit messages. We recommend following GitHub Swift Style Guide with one important difference: 4 spaces instead of tabs.

Thanks! ✌️


Published under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2015 Macoscope sp. z o.o.