We aim to bring a more consistent, fluent and smooth experience with all your must-have customizations, for you, for the community, and for everyone.

Build guide

Prior to building, you will need basic knowledge of Git.


  • Around 100G disk space.
  • A computer with at least 16GB RAM running Linux (recommended) or MacOS.
  • Build environment setup.


  1. Run the following commands to sync source
repo init -u https://github.com/Sm6150-Sweet/android_manifest -b triton
  1. To sync source, enter
 repo sync -c --force-sync --optimized-fetch --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --prune -j$(nproc --all)
  1. Once the source is downloaded/synced, prepare your device trees, dependencies and start the build by the following commands
   source build/envsetup.sh
   lunch awaken_<devicecodename>-user
   make bacon -j$(nproc --all)

Compilation Help

To get help with build errors, please visit Android Building Help.




You don't need a lot of skills to be a device maintainer. You only need to have:

  • enough git skills to properly handle your device specific repos, and
  • the ability to read logs, so you can know any device related issues and fix them.

To apply for official status, please fill the maintainership application form.

Links to official groups/channels