=== Timeline Block === Contributors:coolplugins Donate link:https://paypal.me/CoolPlugins/10USD/ Requires at least: 4.5 Tags:timeline,history,roadmap,events,company timeline Tested up to:5.5 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag:trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Responsive vertical timeline block for Gutenberg editor by Cool Timeline plugin developers. == Description == ### ⚡ Timeline Block for Gutenberg/Block Editor **Timeline Block** is a responsive WordPress block plugin for Gutenberg block editor that allows you to create beautiful vertical history timeline with one click. Just search '**Timeline Block**' from block editor '**Add Block**' section and create a beautiful story timeline immediately. [🔗 Check Demo Here](http://instant-timeline.coolplugins.net/) ### 😎 Who's Behind This timeline block plugin is created by [🔗 Cool Timeline](https://wordpress.org/plugins/cool-timeline/) plugin developers. **Cool Plugins** is the company behind this block plugin development. Check [🔗 Cool Timeline Pro Demo](https://cooltimeline.com/demo/) Also we created an Elementor Timeline widget addon for Elementor lovers, you can check it here:- [🔗 Timeline Widget For Elementor](https://wordpress.org/plugins/timeline-widget-addon-for-elementor/#description) You can show history/future stories, events, appointments and many other cool things using **Timeline Block** plugin. Here are all areas where you can use this plugin:- * Represent your company story. * Showcase tutorial/process steps in timeline format. * Create a **program timeline**. * Timeline is best way to represent history. * Create events / appointments timeline. * Job stories / achievements timeline. * Personal **story timeline**. We have tried our best to create an awesome **timeline plugin** but still if you face any installation, coding or design error, you can [contact us](mailto:contact@coolplugins.net) anytime. Also remember to try our Cool Timeline Pro version for extra cool features and design options. > [🔗 Buy Cool Timeline Pro](https://1.envato.market/c/1258464/275988/4415?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcodecanyon.net%2Fitem%2Fcool-timeline-pro-wordpress-timeline-plugin%2F17046256) == Installation == 1. Go to the WordPress Block/Gutenberg Editor 2. Search For "Timeline Block". 3. Install in 1-click == Changelog == Version 1.0 | 18 AUG, 2020 - Initial release