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Travel Planner

Travel planner is a web application where users can create a planner for their own one day trip. In a planner; the user can specify arrival and departure dates, select places to visit by searching from maps, and set time that they want to spend at each place. The planner will show time remaining to the user for estimate time in each place, and display the time that takes user to travel from one place to another.

Traivis CI : Build Status

Code Coverage : codecov



  • Python (v.3 or newer) - download

  • Node.js - download

  • Virtual Environment

    $ pip install virtualenv

Step needed to configure the application for running

  1. Clone the repository.
$ git clone

  1. Install dependencies
$ npm install
  1. Create your virtual environment
$ virtualenv env
  1. Activate environment
For MacOs or Ubuntu

> $ source env/bin/activate

For Window

> $ env/Scripts/activate
  1. Install dependencies with pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. If you want to use SQLite database
$ python migrate
  1. Run application
$ python runserver

- Run server with localhost:8000

If you want to login as admin

$ python createsuperuser

- Open with localhost:8000/admin


GitHub Name
@narisasingngam Narisa Singngam
@ffaiip Kavinthip Pattanaphaophan
@jampttws Tanasorn Tritawisup