Install JDK (JDK8 recommended)
Install sbt (
On Windows –
Ensure java is set in the path
Ensure sbt is set in the path
cd <to the Project folder>
run sbt
Within sbt environment, run the following -
run <arguments>
About <arguments>
arg[0] represents the stations. For the given problem, ABCDE are the stations.
arg[1] represents the routes. For the given problem, AB5,BC4,CD8,DC8,DE6,AD5,CE2,EB3,AE7 are the routes.
arg[2] represents the expression according to a problem statement.
Details of arg[2] - It follows the following format - <ProblemType>_<Path>-<LimitType>-<LimitValue>
ProblemType - The program categorises the problems into 3 types. Possible values for ProblemType are Distance , AllRoutes and ShortestDistance.
Distance – Represents the problem to compute distance between the given path.
AllRoutes – Represents the problem to compute all possible routes between the given pair of stations.
ShortestDistance - Represents the problem to compute the shortest distance between the given pair of stations.
Path – Represents the path. Hyphen/Minus (-) is used as the delimiter.
LimitType – Possible values are Hops, Exact, and Distance.
LimitValue – Represent the value used by LimitType to limit the conditionals.
List of arguments for the given set of problems –
<graph> = ABCDE AB5,BC4,CD8,DC8,DE6,AD5,CE2,EB3,AE7
Problem | Program Arguments | Result
The distance of the route A-B-C. |<graph> Distance_ A-B-C |9
The distance of the route A-D |<graph> Distance_A-D |5
The distance of the route A-D-C |<graph> Distance_A-D-C |13
The distance of the route A-E-B-C-D |<graph> Distance_ A-E-B-C-D |22
The distance of the route A-E-D |<graph> Distance_ A-E-D |NO such route for A-E-D
The number of trips starting at C |
and ending at C with a maximum of 3 |
stops. |<graph> AllRoutes_C-C-Hops-3 |2
The number of trips starting at A
and ending at C with exactly 4
stops. |<graph> AllRoutes_A-C-Exact-5 |3
The length of the shortest route
(in terms of distance to travel)
from A to C. |<graph> ShortestDistance_A-C |9
The length of the shortest route
(in terms of distance to travel)
from B to B |<graph> ShortestDistance_B-B |9
The number of different routes
from C to C with a distance of
less than 30. |<graph> AllRoutes_C-C-Distance-30 |7