
CNE AWS command line utility

Primary LanguageRuby


CNE AWS command line utility


These environment variables must be set in your terminal before usage:


Building and installing the gem locally

Tested on ruby-2.0.0-p648

To build and install: gem build cne-aws.gemspec && gem install cne-aws-<version>.gem

Installing the gem via git repo

gem install specific_install && gem specific_install -l https://github.com/jpcallanta/cne-aws


Lists instances based on appname and environment

cne-ec2 instances [appname] [environment]

Lists all security groups

cne-ec2 security

Lists security groups based on search param regex

cne-ec2 security [search-string]

Lists unhealthy instances

cne-ec2 unhealthy

Lists all ELBs

cne-ec2 elbs

Terminate an instance

cne-ec2 terminate [instance-id]

Reboot an instance

cne-ec2 reboot [instance-id]

Stop an instance

cne-ec2 stop [instance-id]

List all CloudFormation stacks

cne-cf stacks

Scale CloudFormation stack

cne-cf scale [stack-name] [desired-instance-count] [max-instance-count]