
A simple react alert (toaster style) component

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A simple react alert (toaster style) component


You can see a live demo here.


$ npm install react-alert

It expects external react, react-dom and react-addons-css-transition-group.


To use it, you have to import the AlertContainer component, like this:

import React from 'react';
import AlertContainer from 'react-alert';

export default class App extends React.Component {
    this.alertOptions = {
      offset: 14,
      position: 'bottom left',
      theme: 'dark',
      time: 5000,
      transition: 'scale'

    this.msg.show('Some text or component', {
      time: 2000,
      type: 'success',
      icon: <img src="path/to/some/img/32x32.png" />

        <AlertContainer ref={a => this.msg = a} {...this.alertOptions} />
        <button onClick={this.showAlert.bind(this)}>Show Alert</button>


The AlertContainer component accepts the following options:

  offset: 14, //the offset of the alert from the page border, can be any number
  position: 'bottom left', //the position of the alert, can be [bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right]
  theme: 'dark', //the color theme of the alert, can be [dark, light]
  time: 5000, //the time in miliseconds to the alert close itself, use 0 to prevent auto close (apply to all alerts)
  transition: 'scale' //the transition animation, can be [scale, fade]

When you call the show method, you can include the following options as a second parameter:

  time: 0, //the time in miliseconds to the alert close itself, use 0 to prevent auto close (apply to this alert only), default is 5000
  type: 'info', //the alert type, can be [info, success, error], default is info
  icon: <img src="path/to/some/img/32x32.png" /> //the icon to show in the alert, if none is given the default of each type will be showed


Once you have the reference of the AlertContainer you can call the following methods:

//show an alert
this.msg.show('Some message or component');
//show an info alert
this.msg.info('Some info message or component');
//show a success alert
this.msg.success('Some success message or component');
//show an error alert
this.msg.error('Some error message or component');
//removes all alerts from the page

Using React Components as alert content

You can also use a React Component to show a alert message, like this:

//show an alert with a React Component as content
this.msg.show(<AComponent aProp="some message" />);