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> Hey There!, I am Narottam Singh

「 I am a full stack Test developer from India


About me

Coding gif

✌️   Enjoy to do programming and sharing knowledge

❤️   Love to writing code and learning new features

📧   Reach me anytime:

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Selenium 4, RestAssured, Java, and Maven Project


This project is a demonstration of a robust test automation framework using Selenium 4, RestAssured, Java, and Maven. The framework is designed to empower efficient web testing and API testing, providing a structured and maintainable solution.


Make sure you have the following tools installed on your machine:

  • Java JDK 8 or later
  • Maven
  • Your preferred IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, etc.)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone

## Execution

#Navigate to project
cd selenium4-restassured-java-maven-project

# Clean and Run Tests
mvn clean test