Web Test Automation Framework



NodeJs VSCode

Getting Started

Clone Repository

1. git clone repo
2. Navigate to `WebdriverIOTypeScriptCucumber`

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Run tests:

npm test (to run all tests)
npm run smoke (to run smoke suite)
npm run regression (to run regression suite)

Emailable HTML Report:


Key Features

- Cucumber BDD framework
- Page Object Design pattern
- Spec and Cucumber HTML report
- Demo of API calls steps within UI actions
- Automatic test trigger using Github actions

Folder Structure

|   ├───data
|   ├───pages
|   ├───specs
|   |   ├───features
|   |   └───steps
|   ├───types
|   └───utils

generate step definitions

npx cucumber-js ./FOLDER_PATH/filename.feature  

Sample Report
