Free Docker Books
This is my personal collection of free Docker books, feel free to share and read.
List of Books
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- A Practical Guide to Continuous Delivery [Download]
- Advanced Microservices [Download]
- Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Platform and Tools [Download]
- CoreOS in Action - Running Applications on Container Linux [Download]
- Deploying Rails with Docker, Kubernetes and ECS [Download]
- DevOps with Kubernetes [Download]
- Docker - Up & Running [Download]
- Docker - 从入门到实践 [Download]
- Docker Containers - Build and Deploy with Kubernetes, Flannel, Cockpit, and Atomic [Download]
- Docker Cookbook - Solutions and Examples for Building Distributed Applications [Download]
- Docker for Data Science [Download]
- Docker for Developers [Download]
- Docker for Sysadmins [Download]
- Docker Hands on - Deploy, Administer Docker Platform [Download]
- Docker in Action [Download]
- Docker in Practice [Download]
- Docker in Production - Lessons from the Trenches [Download]
- Docker Management Design Patterns - Swarm Mode on Amazon Web Services [Download]
- Docker Tutorial - Anthony Baire [Download]
- Docker Tutorial - [Download]
- Docker源码分析-看云版 [Download]
- Docker源码分析 [Download]
- Essential Docker for ASP.NET Core MVC [Download]
- Kubernetes - Microservices with Docker [Download]
- Kubernetes - Up and Running - Dive into the Future of Infrastructure [Download]
- Kubernetes Cookbook [Download]
- Kubernetes Microservices with Docker [Download]
- Kubernetes Patterns [Download]
- Learning Docker Networking [Download]
- Learning Windows Server Containers [Download]
- Microservices with Docker on Microsoft Azure [Download]
- Orchestrating Docker [Download]
- Painless Docker Basic Edition [Download]
- Pro Docker [Download]
- The DevOps 2.0 Toolkit [Download]
- The Docker Book - James Turnbull - v17.03.0 [Download]
- Using Docker [Download]
- 第一本Docker书 [Download]