
Delay death of supervisor children or gen_server : for instance Erlang supervisor with exponential backoff restart strategy

Primary LanguageElixir


DelayedSup and DelayedServer are respectively Supervisor and GenServer but with the capability to delay the death of the child or the server to have a better supervision restart time control.

With exactly the same API as Supervisor, create a supervisor which allows you to control a minimum delay for the supervised children to die.

You can for instance :

  • get an Exponential backoff restarting strategy for children
  • normalized death time for port managed external processes

Useful to manage external service in Elixir supervisors.


All the same as Supervisor, but a new option is available: :delay_fun which is a function returning the minimum lifetime of a child in millisecond (child death will be delayed if it occurs too soon).

The signature of :delay_fun is: (child_id :: term, ms_lifetime :: integer, acc :: term) -> {ms_delay_death :: integer, newacc:: term} First start accumulator is nil.

Below an example usage with an exponential backoff strategy: (200*2^count) ms delay where the backoff count is reset when previous run lifetime was > 5 secondes.

import DelayedSup.Spec
import Bitwise
@reset_backoff_lifetime 5_000
@init_backoff_delay 200
], restart_strategy: :one_for_one, 
   delay_fun: fn _id,lifetime,count_or_nil->
               count = count_or_nil || 0
               if lifetime > @reset_backoff_lifetime, 
                 do: {0,0}, 
                 else: {@init_backoff_delay*(1 <<< count),count+1}

How it works

The created "supervisor" creates actually the following supervision tree :

supervise([child1,child2], strategy: :one_for_one) =>

+--------------+       +----------+      +---------+
| Supervisor   +------>+TempServer+----->+ Child1  |
+--------------+       +----------+      +---------+
               |       +----------+      +---------+
               +------>+TempServer+----->+ Child2  |
                       +----------+      +---------+

TempServer (actually DelayedServer) is an intermediate process which can delay its death relatively to its linked server.

Restart Counter, and delay computation function are kept into the supervisor process dictionnary.

The shutdown strategy (brutal kill or max shutdown duration) is handled by the temp server.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add delayed_otp to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:delayed_otp, "~> 0.0.1"}] end

  2. Ensure delayed_otp is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:delayed_otp]] end