
Visual Studio snippets for Unreal Engine C++ based projects.

Primary LanguagePython


Visual Studio snippets for Unreal Engine C++ based projects. Original article: http://mpolaczyk.pl/visual-studio-snippets-for-ue4/ Original repository: https://github.com/mpolaczyk/ue4snippets

How to install snippets ?

Method One Paste .snippet files into: C:\Users$user$\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Code Snippets\Visual C++\My Code Snippets. Then restart VS.

Method Two Open Visual Studio, navigate to TOOLS -> Code Snippets Manager… -> Import…

How to use snippets ?

Method One Just start typing ue4... snippet list should be loaded in a form of combo box. Then use arrows to select snippet. Hit ENTER or TAB to insert snippet.

Method Two Type all snippet name and hit TAB. You don't have to wait for VS to show snippet list.

To navigate between highlited fields you can use TAB and SHIFT + TAB. After you enter all names, hit ENTER.


ue4classa – Blueprintable class that derives from an AActor. Parameters are: comment, class name and base class name.

ue4classu – Blueprintable class that derives from an UObject. Parameters are: comment, class name, base class name.

ue4struct – Simple structure. Parameters are: comment and name.

ue4interface – Simple ue4 interface. Parameters are: comment and name.

ue4bpevent – This function can be used as an event in blueprint. Parameters are: comment, UI category, virtual and const modifiers, function name and arguments.

ue4bpfunc – This function is available for blueprint logic. Parameters are: comment (parameters and return value), UI category, virtual and const modifiers, function name and arguments.

ue4prop – This read/write property is available everywhere (blueprint, instance and archetype details). Parameters are: comment, category, type and name.

ue4enum – Simple enum. Parameters are: comment, enum name, first member name and it’s comment.

ue4enumdisplay – Enum that can be used with blueprints. Parameters are: comment, enum name, first member name, it’s display name and comment.

ue4log – Simplest log line. Parameters are category, verbosity and message.

ue4logdeclare – Declaration of log category. Place this in main header of your project to allow logging. Parameters are: category, default verbosity and compile time verbosity.

ue4logdefine – Definition of log category. Place this in main code file. Parameter is category name.

ue4logfloat – Log line that can be used to print float value. Parameters are: category, verbosity and variable name.

ue4logint – This log line can be used to log an integer value. Parameters are: category, verbosity and variable name.

ue4loguobj – This log line is designed to log from inside of the objects. By default, square brackets contains a name of an object that writes the log. Parameters are: category, verbosity, message and name of a pointer to the object.

ue4mark – Can be used to mark changes in engine classes. Parameters are: Company symbol, task/ticket number, name and surname of a developer and short description of modification.

ue4eve - 9 snippets for each params combination. Can be used to create event. Parameters are: owning type and event type name.

ue4del - 9 snippets for each params combination. Can be used to create delegate. Parameters are: delegate type name and param type names.

ue4delmul - 9 snippets for each params combination. Can be used to create multicast delegate. Parameters are: delegate type name and param type names.

ue4deldyn - 9 snippets for each params combination. Can be used to create dynamic delegate. Parameters are: delegate type name, param type names and display values.

ue4deldynmul - 9 snippets for each params combination. Can be used to create dynamic multicast delegate. Parameters are: delegate type name, param type names and display values`.