
Boilerplate for redux + react-native projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Boilerplate for react-native projects.

Getting started (macOS)

  1. Install the react-native command line tools.
    yarn global add react-native-cli
    npm -g install react-native-cli
  2. Run react-native run-ios or react-native run-android on the root directory.

Changing Project Name

  1. Change names in app.json.
  2. Delete directories /android and /ios.
  3. Install node modules.
  4. Run react-native eject.
  5. Run react-native link.
  6. Replace 'RNBoilerplate' with new app name in App.js.
  7. Replace name with app name in package.json.

To Dos

  • Add react-navigation library
  • More screens to demostrate redux and navigation
  • Unit Tests