wgcf-plus GitHub all releases build


This repository is designed to generate Warp+ configs for WireGuard on almost all available devices except Android (Termux) and iOS (iSH Shell).

Contacting the author: Email,Telegram

Release Arch Support Interpreter Tested Author
Linux-32bit 32bit\64bit Bash
Linux-ARMv7 ARMv7\ARMv8 Bash
MacOS-64bit 64bit Bash ✅ (Catalina)
MacOS-ARMv8 ARMv8 Bash
Termux-ARMv7 ARMv7\ARMv8 Bash
Termux-32bit 32bit\64bit Bash
Windows-32bit 32bit\64bit PowerShell
Windows-ARMv7 ARMv7 PowerShell
WSL 64bit Bash
iSH Shell ARM Bash



Linux\MacOS\Termux\WSL (Windows only 64-bit)\iSH Shell:

Bash 4 or 5 version

Windows 7-11 (32-bit,ARMv7):

PowerShell 7 or newer

Requirements for build (no in docker):


  • Android NDK (building for termux need r24 version)
  • Go
  • Git
  • zip (Optional dependency for create release)

Commentary: All software to be installed must be installed in $PATH.Android NDK locate in /opt and specify the path to it in the PATH /opt/android-ndk-r24.


Download the release you want or clone this repository. Go to the folder.

Linux\MacOS\Termux\WSL (Windows)\iSH Shell

In terminal:

chmod +x ./warp_config_generator.sh && ./warp_config_generator.sh

Windows 7-11 (32-bit,ARMv7)

In PowerShell:



Note only for users from Russia, if it complains about api.cloudflareclient.com it means the address is blocked, you need a VPN or proxy to issue Warp configs.


Friend (It was he who did the bulk of the work of porting the script to the new language. The binary is named after him by his old nickname.)

• Saito.Alex (Author of the python script)

• f129 (Author of the powershell script)

• And the project wgcf for the program itself