
Exceptions, Events, Alerts and Benchmarks catcher for ruby applications.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Events and Exception catcher libraray.

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rnotifier'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rnotifier


rnotifier install 'API-KEY'  # This will create 'config/rnotifier.yaml' file.

Config file options

environments: development,test #default is production
capture_code: true             #default false
ignore_exceptions: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,AbstractController::ActionNotFound,ActionController::RoutingError
ignore_bots: Googlebot

To test config

rnotifier test                 #this will send test exception to rnotifier.

Send exception with request manually

For this ':request' params require

Rnotifier.exception(exception, {:request => request, other_params => 'value'})

Add context data to exception

Rnotifier.context({user_email: current_user.email})

Send events and alerts

Rnotifier.event(:sign_up, {:username => 'Jiren', :email => 'jiren@example.com', :using => 'facebook' })

Rnotifier.alert(:order_fail, {:user => 'Jiren', :product => 'PS3', :order_id => '321' })

You can also sends tags with 'event' and 'alert' i.e

  {:username => 'Jiren', :email => 'jiren@example.com', :using => 'facebook' },
  {:tags => ['newsletter']}


  1. Code block benchamrking
Rnotifier.benchmark('sum') do
  (1..100).inject(0){|i, result| result =  result + i; result }
  1. Method benchmarking

    • For Instance object method
Paragraph.new.benchmark({args: true}).word_count(text)
  • For class method
Paragraph.benchmark({args: true}).word_count(text)
  • Using helper function
class Aggregator

  def error_count(options = {})
    # Code ...
  # for instance method
  benchmark_it :error_count, :time_condition => 0.5

  def self.errors_by_date_range(start_date, end_date)
    # Code ...

  # For class method
  benchmark_it :errors_by_date_range, :class_method => true

 Options: time_condition and class_method
  - For class method pass option ':class_method => true'
  1. Rails action In controller add following filter.
rnotifier_benchmarking # 

Above will capture benchamrk for all controller action.

For particular action

rnotifier_benchmarking only: [:index, :show]

# or 

rnotifier_benchmarking except: [:destroy]

With time condition
 rnotifier_benchmarking only: [:index, :show], time_condition: 0.8
To capture page load benchmarking on client side add following tag to your view in the end of your view or in footer


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


This is released under the MIT license.