
Some notes related to the browser and javascript.

Browser, Document, DOM

  • The Browser Object Model (BOM) represents additional objects provided by the browser (host environment) for working with everything except the document.

  • Every HTML tag is an object. Tags are the core of an HTML document.

  • Everything in HTML, even comments, becomes a part of the DOM.

  • The elem.matches(css) does not look for anything, it merely checks if elem matches the given CSS-selector. It returns true or false.

  • The method elem.closest(css) looks for the nearest ancestor that matches the CSS-selector. The elem itself is also included in the search.

  • Methods containing getElementsBy return a live collection, meaning they always reflect the current state of the document, and updates automatically when changes happen.

  • The root of the DOM node's hierachy is EventTarget, which is an object that represents a target to which an event can be triggered whenever something has happened.

  • Get more information of a Node: nodeType, nodeName, tagName, outerHTML, nodeValue, data, textContent.

  • We can create more properties on the DOM, and not only have to use the existing ones.

  • Use dataset to set data-* attributes progrmatically, i.e. good for ids when looping and returning items.

  • Creating an element: createElement, createTextNode.

  • Clone node via cloneNode.

  • DocumentFragment is a special DOM node to be used as a wrapper around lists of nodes. When outputted on the DOM, it sort of "blends in", rather used programatically to group items, and insert them onto the DOM as a group.

  • Use getComputedStyle to get an object which contains the resolved values, styles, of a node/element.