
Graticule layer not removed, rotate not reset on image download

edplato opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
When downloading a snapshot image, Graticule layer is not being hidden or is and then being made visible too early. This causes an Invalid name in LAYERS service exception error. This issue also affects rotation in polar projections as the rotation resets too early before the snapshot is taken.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the Graticule behavior:

  2. Take snapshot, see prompt to clear Graticule, accept, and see Graticule remain
  3. Click Download button to request snapshot and see error

Steps to reproduce the Rotate behavior:

  2. Take snapshot, see prompt to reset Rotation, accept, see initial reset then revert to original rotation
  3. Click Download button to request snapshot. This has the potential to provide an invalid BBOX

Expected behavior
Graticule is removed and rotation reset remains until image snapshot is taken.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Chrome

May be related to #3343

Also may be related to #3665