
Solution for Quora Insincere Questions Classification, data science competition at Kaggle.com.

Primary LanguagePython

Quora Insincere Questions Classification

Data science competition at Kaggle.com

Top 2% solution, Silver Medal


This repository contains my solution for Quora Insincere Questions Classification, data science competition at Kaggle.com. Goal of the competition was to built algorithm that identifies toxic/insincere questions asked at quora.com. Algorithms were evaluated by F1 score for insincere questions.

My solution scored F1 = 0.704.

Competition description

In this competition you will be predicting whether a question asked on Quora is sincere or not.

An insincere question is defined as a question intended to make a statement rather than look for helpful answers. Some characteristics that can signify that a question is insincere:

  • Has a non-neutral tone
    • Has an exaggerated tone to underscore a point about a group of people
    • Is rhetorical and meant to imply a statement about a group of people
  • Is disparaging or inflammatory
    • Suggests a discriminatory idea against a protected class of people, or seeks confirmation of a stereotype
    • Makes disparaging attacks/insults against a specific person or group of people
    • Based on an outlandish premise about a group of people
    • Disparages against a characteristic that is not fixable and not measurable
  • Isn't grounded in reality
    • Based on false information, or contains absurd assumptions


Models were trained on 1.3 million of questions and binary labels (Sincere/Insincere).

Some examples:

Sincere Insincere
What can you say about feminism? Has the United States become the largest ************ in the world?
How were the Calgary Flames founded? Which babies are more sweeter to their parents? Dark skin babies or light skin babies?
Should I leave my friends and find new ones? Was AIDS a punishment from God for gay people?
How can I top CBSE in 6 months? Why did the Pope say that "Muslims are a curse to this world"?
What does great wit mean? Should I really feel that it's okay not to love or respect women?

Data is imbalanced (94% sincere questions, 6% insincere questions). Labeling is noisy, since definition of 'insincere question' is subjective.

alt text

Solution description

My final solution is an ensemble of 5 neural network models: 4 Recurrent Neural Network models and 1 Neural Network model with fully connected layers.

Each RNN model used different pretrained embeddings: glove.840B.300d, GoogleNews-vectors-negative300, paragram_300_sl999, wiki-news-300d-1M.

Other important parts of the solution:

  • code for automatic logging of experiments into .csv file
  • class for model errors analysis (most_correct, most_incorrect, most_doubt, random_doubt, random_correct, random_incorrect)
  • code for ensembling (mean, weighted ensemble)
  • 5 fold stratified cross validation
  • reverse engineering of tokenizer for GoogleNews embeddings
  • variable sequence length in batches
  • trainable initialization of hidden state
  • early stopping
  • freeze embeddings first two epochs, finetune embeddings during later epochs
  • learning rate decay
  • experiments with model architecture (GRU/LSTM, average/max pooling, 0-2 FC layers on top of RNN output)
  • hyperparameters optimization (> 1000 experiments)


See requirements.txt. GPU is required for training.

Train model with different hyperparameters

Make script executable.

chmod +x main.py

Train RNN model with default hyperparameters.


Test model with default hyperparameters.

In test mode model is trained and evaluated on small datasets (1000 entries) using pretrained embedding for most common 10000 words.

./main.py --mode test

Train model with specific hyperparameters. Example.

./main.py -hd 150 -em paragram -us 0.1 --seed 4 -s -e 10 -es 3

Train model with various hyperparameters.

See ./main.py --help


 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --machine {dt,kaggle}
                        Local machine: dt. Kaggle kernel: kaggle.
  --mode {test,run}     Main mode: run. Test mode: test.
  --kfold KFOLD, -k KFOLD
                        K-fold cross-validation.
  --split_ratio SPLIT_RATIO [SPLIT_RATIO ...], -sr SPLIT_RATIO [SPLIT_RATIO ...]
                        Split ratio.
  --test                If present split data in train-val-test else split in
  --seed SEED           Seed for data split.
  --tokenizer TOKENIZER, -t TOKENIZER
                        Tokenizer. See tokenizers.py.
  --embedding {glove,gnews,paragram,wnews} [{glove,gnews,paragram,wnews} ...], -em {glove,gnews,paragram,wnews} [{glove,gnews,paragram,wnews} ...]
  --max_vectors MAX_VECTORS, -mv MAX_VECTORS
                        Load no more than max_vectors number of embedding
  --no_cache            Don't cache embeddings.
  --var_length, -vl     Variable sequence length in batches.
  --unk_std UNK_STD, -us UNK_STD
                        Standart deviation for initialization of tokens
                        without embedding vector.
  --stratified, -s      Stratified split.
  --optim {Adam,AdamW}, -o {Adam,AdamW}
                        Optimizer. See choose.py
  --epoch EPOCH, -e EPOCH
                        Number of epochs.
  --lr LR, -lr LR       Initial learning rate.
  --lrstep LRSTEP [LRSTEP ...]
                        Steps when lr multiplied by 0.1.
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE, -bs BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size.
  --n_eval N_EVAL, -ne N_EVAL
                        Number of validation set evaluations during 1 epoch.
  --warmup_epoch WARMUP_EPOCH, -we WARMUP_EPOCH
                        Number of epochs without embedding tuning.
  --early_stop EARLY_STOP, -es EARLY_STOP
                        Stop training if no improvement during this number of
  --f1_tresh F1_TRESH, -ft F1_TRESH
                        Threshold for calculation of F1-score.
  --clip CLIP           Gradient clipping.
  --model MODEL, -m MODEL
                        Model name. See models.py.
  --n_layers N_LAYERS, -n N_LAYERS
                        Number of RNN layers in model.
  --hidden_dim HIDDEN_DIM, -hd HIDDEN_DIM
                        Hidden dimension for RNN.
  --dropout DROPOUT, -d DROPOUT
                        Dropout probability.

Run final solution: ensemble of 5 models
