A Laravel 8 package to easily switch TailwindCSS resources generated by Laravel Jetstream and Breeze to Bootstrap 4.
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laravel 10 support with php 8
#99 opened by rajatvermaiam - 3
- 6
Class "Inertia\Inertia" not found
#70 opened by enaeim - 0
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Css & Js is not working after run php artisan jetstrap:swap livewire command in laravel version 9
#96 opened by jenishprajapati-kombee - 1
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Migrating to CoreUi v4 from CoreUi v3
#95 opened by steven7mwesigwa - 7
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js):
#91 opened by abanghendri - 1
profile photo form not showing
#83 opened by NamJinn21 - 3
npm run dev warning: (Use 'stats.children: true' resp. '--stats-children' for more details
#87 opened by Neeraj1005 - 1
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Is Alpine JS mandatory ?
#85 opened by grunk - 4
#79 opened by paolocaccavo - 0
API Token -> "Permissions"-Link does not open modal (ReferenceError: $ is not defined)
#81 opened by AGuyCoding - 2
#75 opened by khakimjanovich - 8
2 Factor Authentication Ignored
#20 opened by klexas - 1
Laravel 9 support
#73 opened by ipimpat - 3
AdminLTE3 Preset
#71 opened by joshua161 - 1
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Outdated CSS clases for checkbox
#66 opened by eddybrando - 2
I can´t use with Bootstrap 4
#65 opened by inkael - 0
Navbar Mobile Menu Toggle not Working
#61 opened by Stridesdata - 4
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[Request] Simple guide to migrate to BS5
#56 opened by mateuslecchi - 0
i run into a problem with the npm install
#58 opened by mosesket - 0
Long team names extend beyond dropdown
#54 opened by ethanclevenger91 - 1
pagination links show but don' work
#55 opened by jeankyle - 0
have same bug in rtl core ui
#57 opened by vahidalvandi - 6
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Addition to readme file
#52 opened by ejobity - 1
Undefined variable $slot
#51 opened by tahayasen55 - 6
Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass'
#49 opened by deanzod - 1
Bootstrap 5 support
#48 opened by syntafin - 1
Will there be support for bootstrap 5 soon?
#46 opened by gasner - 2
Conflicts with Inertial-laravel 0.4.2
#45 opened by nakjemmy - 8
Modal Open and Close error
#43 opened by arnaldovalente - 5
I can't enter the dashboard
#42 opened by yalcincoruh - 13
Admin lte3 sidebar menu
#39 opened by unknown-coder-1 - 1
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Undefined variable: header
#38 opened by nhoxbin - 7
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2fa screen not showing
#28 opened by laravel-user-x - 1
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[Question] Bootstrap 5 support
#27 opened by tortuetorche - 1
Two factor is broken
#25 opened by vernk - 1
Jetstream Logout
#23 opened by kmrtylmz - 2