
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Use pyrometer to scan all of Ethereum mainnet.

Uses the Zellic smart-contract-fiesta dataset snapshot as the source of smart contract code.

ATM, this is used for testing parsability of contracts to provide diagnostics for improving pyrometer. In the future this will be extended to run available detectors and analysis on the contracts to find bugs and vulnerabilities {⚪️,🧢}


You will need a local copy of the smart-contract-fiesta dataset (large download warning, ~8GB):

git clone https://huggingface.co/datasets/Zellic/smart-contract-fiesta

Next, ensure you have pyrometer installed as a cli tool.

Then, run as so:

# default run is 5000 contracts, output goes to ./data/results_<timestamp>.csv, all cpu cores used, 2s timeout.
cargo run --release -- <path/to/smart-contract-fiesta>

# Configured to run 145000 contracts, 4 cpu cores used, 5s timeout.
cargo run --release -- <path/to/smart-contract-fiesta> -n 145000 -j 4 --timeout 5

Settings available:

Usage: omniscan [OPTIONS] <PATH>

  <PATH>  Path to the smart-contract-fiesta root directory

  -n, --num-contracts <NUM_CONTRACTS>
          The number of contracts to run pyrometer on. Default is 5000 If set to 0, all contracts will be analyzed
  -t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>
          Timeout for each pyrometer process (secs). Default is 2 seconds, decimals supported. If set to 0, there will be no timeout. Not advised
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>
          Where to save the results file, default is "./data/results_MM-DD_HH-MM.csv"
  -j, --jobs <JOBS>
          The number of concurrent proccesses to use for the analysis. Default is the number of cores
  -s, --skip-contracts <SKIP_CONTRACTS>
          The number of contracts to initially skip over. Default is 0. This is intended for debugging purposes
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version


These are timings I've found using my own machines.

# Contracts CPU # Cores Timeout Time
5000 Ryzen 5950x 16 10s 8min
137000 (full set) Ryzen 5950x 16 10s 3h48min
5000 M2 Macbook Pro 12 2s 5min14s


The results are saved as a csv file with the following columns:

  • bytecode_hash: Bytecode hash of the contract, identifiable key for smart-contract-fiesta
  • result: The result of the analysis, one of {success, timeout, error, thread-panic, non-interpreted}
  • time: The time taken to analyze the contract (secs)
  • source_type: The source type of the contract, one of {single-file, multi-file, solc-standard-json}

Pyrometer Snapshot 6/20/23

Type Count Percent
Success 49796 36.32
Timeout 39453 28.78
Error 43089 31.43
Panic 4625 3.37
NonInterpreted 125 0.09

Full result pyrometer snapshot 6_20_23