AdvancedSmsManager is library for sending sms for single and two sim-card phones. it is very handy and usefull. It's two-sim mode works on Android.SDK > 21. For lower SDKs it send sms from default sim. For using in android studio add this to your dependency:
compile ''
Before using SmsHandler you had to permit user with Manifest.permission.SEND_SMS
and Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
after that simply call sendSms that have a Interface for all callbacks. smsId is a random unique auto generated Id that generated for every single sms that created by your app. You can also set a Carrier Filter to make sure sms will sends from Specific carrier and it is optional.
SmsHandler smsHandler = new SmsHandler(this, "+0121212", dialogLayoutId);
// you can add optional carrier filter
smsHandler.sendSms("dialog message", "sms body", new MySmsManager.SMSManagerCallBack() {
public void afterSuccessfulSMS(int smsId) {
public void afterDelivered(int smsId) {
public void afterUnSuccessfulSMS(int smsId, String message) {
public void onCarrierNameNotMatch(int smsId, String message) {
If you pass a dialog layout to SmsHandler it will show your custom dialog to confirm Send sms to user, if you don't want just pass 0 as dialogLayoutId. Your custom dialog should have two Android Button or custom button extends android.widget.Button with these id in you layout:
It created with MVP architecture and Uses Dagger2 as DI container with these dependencies:
compile ''
annotationProcessor ''
So if you use dagger2 make sure that use compatible dependencies. I hope this library would be useful and wait for your comments.
this my weblog: