
Automatically download tv show torrents from http://showrss.karmorra.info/

Primary LanguagePHP


Automatically download tv show torrents from http://showrss.karmorra.info/

  1. Create an account with http://showrss.karmorra.info/
  2. Select the TV shows you'd lke to track. http://showrss.karmorra.info/?cs=shows
  3. Select the quality you want and generate your feed http://showrss.karmorra.info/?cs=feeds
  4. Copy your feed address - http://showrss.karmorra.info/rss.php?user_id=XXXX
  5. Paste that address into the showrssFetch.php
  6. Edit $destDir = "../personal/torrents/" to match where your torrent client looks for torrents - I use dropbox.
  7. set a cron job to run showrssFetch.php every few hours.
  8. That's it

UPDATE 24/10/2013:

Obsolete due to showrss:

  1. changing domains (showrss.info),
  2. switching to magnets,
  3. pushing magnets to my Transmission install
  4. generally being cool.

This is happily no longer necessary. Enjoy...