
Zoneminder instant notification through PushBullet

Primary LanguagePerl


Zoneminder instant notification through PushBullet

Zoneminder email notification is not instant enough. so I thought of using pushbullet. Need perl module WWW::PushBullet.

  1. update apikey and domain and then copy zmbullet.pl file in /usr/bin/ with execute permission
  2. Edit /usr/bin/zmdc.pl and in the array @daemons (starting line 80) add 'zmbullet.pl'
  3. Edit /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl and around line 260, right after the comment that says #this is now started unconditionally and right before the line that says runCommand( "zmdc.pl start zmfilter.pl" ); start zmbullet.pl by adding runCommand( "zmdc.pl start zmbullet.pl" );