This library implements 3 encoding: Base58, Base58Zero, Base58Check
Base58Check is a modified version of Base58 to be used for bitcoin addresses
Base58Check is available in Hex, and can be installed
by adding base_58_check
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:base_58_check, "~> 1.0"}
iex(1)> Base58Check.encode58(<<58, 222, 104, 177>>)
iex(2)> Base58Check.decode58!("2WGzDn")
<<58, 222, 104, 177>>
iex(3)> Base58Check.encode58zero(<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5>>)
iex(4)> Base58Check.decode58zero!("111113yzKE")
<<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5>>
iex(5)> Base58Check.encode58check(<<200, 37, 161, 236, 242, 166, 131, 12, 68, 1, 98, 12, 58, 22, 241, 153, 80, 87, 194, 171>>, :p2pkh, :main)
iex(6)> Base58Check.decode58check!("1KFHE7w8BhaENAswwryaoccDb6qcT6DbYY")
<<200, 37, 161, 236, 242, 166, 131, 12, 68, 1, 98, 12, 58, 22, 241, 153, 80, 87, 194, 171>>