AVM8 Examples

This repo is meant to demonstrate usage of the ops introduced with AVM8

The full set of opcodes introduced in AVM8 are as follows:

  • bury: replace the Nth value from the top of the stack with A. bury 0 fails.
  • popn: remove N values from the top of the stack
  • dupn: duplicate A, N times
  • pushbytess: push sequences of immediate byte arrays to stack (first byte array being deepest)
  • pushints: push sequence of immediate uints to stack in the order they appear (first uint being deepest)
  • proto: Prepare top call frame for a retsub that will assume A args and R return values.
  • frame_dig: Nth (signed) value from the frame pointer.
  • frame_bury: replace the Nth (signed) value from the frame pointer in the stack with A
  • switch: branch to the Ath label. Continue at following instruction if index A exceeds the number of labels.
  • match: given match cases from A[1] to A[N], branch to the Ith label where A[I] = B. Continue to the following instruction if no matches are found.
  • box_create: create a box named A, of length B. Fail if A is empty or B exceeds 32,768. Returns 0 if A already existed, else 1
  • box_extract: read C bytes from box A, starting at offset B. Fail if A does not exist, or the byte range is outside A's size.
  • box_replace: write byte-array C into box A, starting at offset B. Fail if A does not exist, or the byte range is outside A's size.
  • box_del: delete box named A if it exists. Return 1 if A existed, 0 otherwise
  • box_len: X is the length of box A if A exists, else 0. Y is 1 if A exists, else 0.
  • box_get: X is the contents of box A if A exists, else ''. Y is 1 if A exists, else 0.
  • box_put: replaces the contents of box A with byte-array B. Fails if A exists and len(B) != len(box A). Creates A if it does not exist


Please have these installed already:

  • Python 3.10
  • sandbox running with the latest protocol version


  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:algorand-devrel/demo-avm8.git 
# or
git clone https://github.com/algorand-devrel/demo-avm8.git
  1. cd into it and create a virtual environment
cd demo-avm8
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run it

Box demo

Creates a box and does some simple stuff with it.


  • application.py
  • box_demo.py
python box_demo.py

Frame Pointer demo

Simple demo to show how the new frame pointer ops can be used


  • frame_pointer.teal
  • frame_pointer_demo.py
python frame_pointer_demo.py

Switch demo

Simple demo to show how the new switch opcode can be used


  • switch.teal
  • switch_demo.py
python switch_demo.py

Match demo

Simple demo to show how the new match opcode can be used


  • match.teal
  • match_demo.py
python match_demo.py