Make simple requests to Stanford CoreNLP with javascript.
Download and extract Stanford CoreNLP from
Run java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer
in the extracted folder to start the CoreNLP server at http://localhost:9000/.
npm install corenlp-request-wrapper
or yarn add corenlp-request-wrapper
This wrapper provides a single method parse
which interacts with Stanford CoreNLP server.
To test run npm test
or yarn run test
const corenlp = require("corenlp-request-wrapper");
// CoreNLP Server was lunched here with the french props file on port 9000
"Bonjour le monde." /*stringToProcess*/,
9000 /*portNumber*/,
"pos,lemma" /*annotators*/,
"json" /*outputFormat*/,
(err, parsedText) => { /*Callback function*/
console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(parsedText), null, 2));
For full Stanford CoreNLP usage information see