
Global Input WebSocket Server is part of the Global Input Platform. The Global Input platform is an open-source platform, which allows device and web applications to be extended to have mobile input and mobile control functionalities without developing separate mobile apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Global Input WebSocket server (global-input-node) provides a secure communication mechanism between the Global Input App (https://globalinput.co.uk/) and the applications running on devices. The device-to-device communication is secured with the end-to-end encryption. The communicating applications need to include the global-input-message extension library to communicate with each other securely.

Download the source code

Run the following commands to install the WebSocket server:

    git clone https://github.com/global-input/global-input-node.git
    cd global-input-node
    cd app
    npm install

Modify the configuration

Go to the downloaded folder, use your text editor to open the configuration file /app/config/config.json

You should see the following content in your text editor:



You only need to modify the value of the url in the applications section of the configuration in order to make it work. If you expose the Node Server directly without using the Nginx in front:


If you [build and deploy with Docker containers](#build-and-deploy-with-docker containers), the value of the url will be :


Run the WebSock server

Assuming that you are still in the app folder, type the following command to run the NodeJS server:

nodejs  server.js

Docker Image

docker run -d --name global_input_node -p 1337:1337 -i -t \
-v /root/globalinput/app:/app \

If you would like to put Nginx in front:

docker run -d --name global_input_nginx -p 80:80 -p 443:443  -i -t -v /root/globalinput/etc/nginx/esb:/etc/nginx/esb \
-v /root/globalinput/etc/nginx/sites-available:/etc/nginx/sites-available \
-v /root/globalinput/etc/nginx/ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl \
-v /root/globalinput/web:/data/websites/globalinput \
-v /root/globalinput/web:/var/www/html \