
Simulated annealing and replica exchange implementation in Python and using NumPy library

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of the simulated annealing and replica exchange Monte Carlo algorithms for protein folding in the HP model in Python (2.7.6) and using NumPy library (1.8.0).

Hydrophobic-polar protein folding (HP) model is used in the study of the general principles of protein folding. The idea of the HP model is based on the observation that a key role in the process of folding has the hydrophobic effect - tendency of hydrophobic amino acids to aggregate and 'hide' from the water molecules. Amino acids are over the alphabet {H,P}, where H is hydrophobic and P polar amino acid and they are located on the square lattice.

Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method that allows sampling the set of possible configurations of protein, according to any probability distribution (here the Boltzmann distribution). The algorithm generates a Markov chain in which each state x^{t+1} depends only on the previous state x^t. The algorithm uses a proposal density Q(x'; x^t ), which depends on the current state x^t, to generate a new proposed sample x'. This proposal is "accepted" as the next value (x^{t+1}=x') if \alpha drawn from U(0,1) satisfies.

For more details see [1].

1. Replica exchange Monte Carlo


$ python replica_exchange.py

Output is the trajectory of replica at the lowest temperature in the pdb format.

2. Simulated annealing


$ python simulated_annealing.py

Output is the trajectory in the pdb format.

3. Visualization

You can visualizate trajectory in the pdb format using PyMOL:

$ pymol trajectory.pdb

and then in PyMOL console:

PyMOL> run show

[1] Dill, KA, Bromberg, S, Yue, K, Fiebig, KM, Yee, DP, Thomas, PD, Chan, HS (1995). Principles of protein folding--a perspective from simple exact models. Protein Sci., 4, 4:561-602.