Author: Nash Lesigon
Date Created: May 2012
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: Symfony 1.4+
This plugin gives the ability to upload multiple photos with caption, title and target link using jQuery ajax request.
You must have image_transform pear package installed. If you don't have it, you can download it here.
1. Download package and place on the plugin directory
2. Import sql file: config/azulphotouploader.sql
3. Enable plugin in the project configuration file
4. run the ./symfony plugin:publish-asset command
1. Add the javascript and the css file to the page where you want to use the uploader
<?php use_javascript('/AzulPhotoUploaderPlugin/js/azulphotouploader-2.0a.js') ?>
<?php use_stylesheet('/AzulPhotoUploaderPlugin/css/photouploader.css') ?>
2. Add the uploader to your template with this code:
context: your_image_context, // replace with your defined context
hasTitle: true, // default value is false
post_url: path_to_post_url // replace with your post path
3. In the server side, use either of the following codes:
a. $result = ApUploaderApi::getInstance()->saveImage();
b. $result = ApUploaderApi::getInstance()->setFile($request->getFiles('image'))->saveImage();
<div id="uploader">
// plugin will add the mark up here
<script type="text/javascript">
context: "sample", // replace with your defined context
hasTitle: true, // default value is false
post_url: "/photo-upload/process" // replace with your post path
// And then on the server side:
$result = ApUploaderApi::getInstance()->saveImage();