
Web app template by the Microsoft Devices Software Experiences team.

Client (front-end)

Service (back-end)

How to run locally

  1. Download and install the .NET Core SDK
  2. Open a terminal such as PowerShell, Command Prompt, or bash and navigate to the service folder
  3. Run the following dotnet commands:
dotnet build
dotnet run --project Microsoft.DSX.ProjectTemplate.API
  1. Open your browser to: https://localhost:44345/swagger.
  2. In another terminal, navigate to the client folder and run the following npm commands:
npm install
npm start
  1. The webpack dev server hosts the front-end and your browser will open to: http://localhost:3000

Adding an Entity Framework Core migration

  1. Open a command prompt in the Microsoft.DSX.ProjectTemplate.Data folder.
  2. dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  3. dotnet ef migrations add <NAME OF MIGRATION>

Removing the latest Entity Framework Core migration

  1. Open a command prompt in the Microsoft.DSX.ProjectTemplate.Data folder.
  2. dotnet ef migrations remove



  • No current items


  • Include Authentication and Authorization logic
  • Move away from localdb
  • Implement ApiConventions


  • Create a CLI setup wizard


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